Archived Lost Starbucks trainee

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Jan 29, 2016
So Tuesday was my first day of training, but I had no clue what to do because team leader at Starbucks had no that they were going to train someone, let alone from a different store. The team leader left at 10 AM and she told me to leave at 12PM, within those two hours the 2 coworkers that were left were nice enough to help me out. So today they actually notified the other team leader that they were going to train someone, the team leader hardly helped me make drinks and the other 2 coworkers from the day before were nice enough to teach how to make some drinks. I just fell so lost and stressed on what to because I have until Saturday when my "training" is over and I have to go back to my home store. I don't want to go back to my home store have little knowledge on what to do. Should I tell my stores HR about this situation?
Yes. You should tell someone at your store if you feel that you aren't getting enough training. At my store, we train all of the baristas in house. I don't do all of the training. I do need to know when a new barista is ready to work alone, so I think you should keep your team leader informed.
There is a lot to learn right at first. Don't get overwhelmed. Most of the drinks follow the same recipes just using different syrup flavors.
Yes, tell your HR and your TL ASAP. It's better to tell them now, then later when you start serving guest, but have no idea how. I was in a similar situation, I was at another store and was suppose to be trained by a Electronic Specialist at the time. All he made me do was ring up guests. Very little training and he didn't seem all that interested. So I told my TL which he then had me transfer to another store to train.

I'm sure my original trainer got yelled at ho ho ho....
Your HR needs to know before you're signed off on training you didn't receive.
You should be spending time making drinks first then time getting acquainted with the register menu.
Rule of thumb: write the cup BEFORE ringing it up.
There's many details that you'll have on the cup that WON'T appear on the register like 'extra hot' or 'kid temp' or 'stirred' or 'upside-down' or any number of permutations.
Also, I try to schedule newer baristas as mids when I can--hours being what they are now, that's not possible at my store except for weekends. You should not be scheduled alone until you are certified by your team leader--this should ensure that you get proper training. Anyhow, make sure to keep your team leader up to date on your training so you can be scheduled in a way that is best for you and Target. Have fun!
Thank you guys! I'm getting a hang of making drinks, but I register is a bit complicated for. I'll talk to my stores HR on Saturday when I go submit my hours that I trained and talk to them about this situation.
Something I used to do during slow times was to simply log on & explore the menu on the register, including the options.
I would do this during every reset because some items would've been dropped & new ones added.
Good tip! I should do that tomorrow, it was really slow today and during that time I made pratice drinks. Also I have a question, I'm I allowed to take the apron and hat home because I accidentally took it with me when I grabbed my sweater when I was clocking out?
Good tip! I should do that tomorrow, it was really slow today and during that time I made pratice drinks. Also I have a question, I'm I allowed to take the apron and hat home because I accidentally took it with me when I grabbed my sweater when I was clocking out?
Not an issue, you might want to wash the apron at home too.

Here is a great app on Starbucks ingredients & drinks:
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I took my apron & hat home every day so it wouldn't get mixed up with someone else's.
Also regularly washing it to get the mocha/coffee stains/smell out is good.
One year the kids were having a contest on who could go the longest without washing their apron; some were so nasty & stiff they crunched when you wadded them up.
The SBTL took them all home to wash after one was found standing up by itself!
He said it's unappetizing for guests to get a drink from someone whose apron looks like it came from a greasy spoon truck stop.
I took my apron & hat home every day so it wouldn't get mixed up with someone else's.
Also regularly washing it to get the mocha/coffee stains/smell out is good.

not to mention, it's a QASA violation for your apron to have more than one day's buildup on it, and even though we don't get audited by QASA, I think health inspectors/Steritech also look at that sort of thing - and I don't know about other DMs but if my Starbucks DM walked in and saw any of us with a visibly unwashed apron, he'd flip his shit. WASH YOUR APRON. your fellow baristas and guests will thank you.
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