Service & Engagement Loyalty games and prizes


Beauty TM
Sep 29, 2017
Just got these boxes in yesterday and went through them. Any ideas for the extra bingo spots? Or where to put all those red cups? Or extra prizers for the spinner? Or how to make some of these less dumb?? No one's gonna play the "What am I?" game. No one's gonna want pizza cutters. No one's gonna have time to roll dice.

I'm gonna try to do the bingo and the red cup thing. I'm gonna replace the "What am I?" with a 'pop quiz' kind of thing, where getting all the answers right gets you a prize. Questions like "what are the Target Circle benefits" and "what fulfillment options do we offer" and stuff, things that people should know. I added a "million dollar" type sliver to the spinner too - if someone gets that I'll dress up as Bullseye (you know, in a dress code way) for work on Halloween.

I feel like the people that come up with these ideas sit in a conference room and pat themselves on the back about how much TMs are gonna love their ideas, without thinking about how 1. they won't and 2. how difficult they are to actually implement. Ugh.
I saw that. How is the S&E team supposed to assemble anywhere to play a game? Who would watch the front? What a waste of money. I wonder who will take home the prizes.
I feel like the people that come up with these ideas sit in a conference room and pat themselves on the back about how much TMs are gonna love their ideas, without thinking about how 1. they won't and 2. how difficult they are to actually implement. Ugh.
Yep. I don't work the front end, but there are plenty of instances where I think the same thing. Just one: pushing product from open repack boxes directly off a u-boat - has the person whose bright idea this was actually tried it? And maybe kept grumbling about how the second shelf isn't really in the right place to be able to reach into the repack easily or see inside? Nope. (Or maybe I'm supposed to turn the box on its side and have everything spill out?)
There are so many things in the World of Target that make no sense. So we take what they tell us and figure out a way to make them sort of work.

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