Archived Major Pay Frustrations

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May 3, 2019
Lots of background first!

I've been a Target TM for over two years. I currently work in consumables, but for the first year and a half, I was a member of a district remodel team. Basically, I went from store to store doing massive projects over a series of months, so that those stores wouldn't have to sacrifice too much manpower. Tasks such as moving several aisles at a time, LOCUing big chunks of backrooms, building + profiling backroom aisles (difficult and dangerous, do not recommend), cleaning crevices that haven't been messed with in years, and gigantic headache-inducing POGs were what I specialized in, on a tiny team of 3-4 people.
I would even lead that team sometimes, 'cus my boss would disappear for hours at a time. 10-12 hour shifts weren't all that uncommon for me, and it was always 5 days a week. 40 hours was a minimum some weeks.
During my time on that team I remodeled 4 stores and on my first review, I was scored with DEO. It gave me a sense of pride that I needed, and so I kept working myself ragged for as long as I was doing that.

Now, the present situation. I just recently got my review for my second year at Target: a DIO. I'm not particularly upset about that, seeing as it's the most common grade and I did go through some personal hardships this year that affected my attendance and efficiency with work. However... as a result of my review, my wages got raised.
To $13.01.
I almost blew up on my leader. I did blow up on an ETL. For that golden background and all of that dedication and hard work, Target's decided that I deserve to earn a whopping one cent over what's going to be the base-level minimum pay next month. It's like being sent back to square one, but with a moldy penny as a consolation prize. I'm heavily, heavily, heavily considering leaving Target entirely over this. Quite frankly I'd take a pay cut just to be out of there.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy that Target is raising its minimum wage. I'm sure this makes a lot of newer TMs happy and I'm glad for them. But for me it's an agonizing punch in the gut, y'know? And I'm sure I'm not the only one out there in a situation like this. Like if I'm going to be making $15 per hour with Target in 2020 anyway, why the actual hell should I bother trying to deliver exceptional outcomes at all? My raises are tiny and gonna get overwritten with no regard to how long long or hard I've worked for you, so what's the bloody point?

Spoiler: There isn't one.
Unfortunately, I'm convinced that this blanket pay increase is nothing more than a PR "Look at how much better than Wal Mart we are!" grab. They're not doing it to make our lives easier, they're not doing it because they care. They're doing it cus it makes Target look more progressive and progressive makes money.
For the past 3 months at my store new hires were making $13 while the rest of the existing TMs we're at $12.75. There is no incentive any more. If you work hard the company will see that more work can be accomplished w less hours and give the store even less next year. Suck at your job and Spot will still keep you and give you $13 as all the old TMs aren't being fooled by modernization and jumping ship. They'll need incompetent TMs working if the alternative is not opening the doors that day.
For the past 3 months at my store new hires were making $13 while the rest of the existing TMs we're at $12.75. There is no incentive any more. If you work hard the company will see that more work can be accomplished w less hours and give the store even less next year. Suck at your job and Spot will still keep you and give you $13 as all the old TMs aren't being fooled by modernization and jumping ship. They'll need incompetent TMs working if the alternative is not opening the doors that day.
This had to be wrong or somehow a law suit for back pay. I’d call news media on this one.
how many "old TMs" at your store have quit?

Nearly all on inbound. Those that are left - two that have been there for years. About three or four right around a year. The rest are only a few months. Almost all of the backroom quit either just before or right after it was announced they'd be on the salesfloor now. Our old backroom TL still is back there most of the day but I'm not sure where he's really supposed to be. Market has almost all new people. Only two I recognize and one of those is quitting the end of May. Cashiers and softlines I'm not sure on. I never go into softlines and always use the SCO.
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Lots of background first!

I've been a Target TM for over two years. I currently work in consumables, but for the first year and a half, I was a member of a district remodel team. Basically, I went from store to store doing massive projects over a series of months, so that those stores wouldn't have to sacrifice too much manpower. Tasks such as moving several aisles at a time, LOCUing big chunks of backrooms, building + profiling backroom aisles (difficult and dangerous, do not recommend), cleaning crevices that haven't been messed with in years, and gigantic headache-inducing POGs were what I specialized in, on a tiny team of 3-4 people.
I would even lead that team sometimes, 'cus my boss would disappear for hours at a time. 10-12 hour shifts weren't all that uncommon for me, and it was always 5 days a week. 40 hours was a minimum some weeks.
During my time on that team I remodeled 4 stores and on my first review, I was scored with DEO. It gave me a sense of pride that I needed, and so I kept working myself ragged for as long as I was doing that.

Now, the present situation. I just recently got my review for my second year at Target: a DIO. I'm not particularly upset about that, seeing as it's the most common grade and I did go through some personal hardships this year that affected my attendance and efficiency with work. However... as a result of my review, my wages got raised.
To $13.01.
I almost blew up on my leader. I did blow up on an ETL. For that golden background and all of that dedication and hard work, Target's decided that I deserve to earn a whopping one cent over what's going to be the base-level minimum pay next month. It's like being sent back to square one, but with a moldy penny as a consolation prize. I'm heavily, heavily, heavily considering leaving Target entirely over this. Quite frankly I'd take a pay cut just to be out of there.

Don't get me wrong, I am happy that Target is raising its minimum wage. I'm sure this makes a lot of newer TMs happy and I'm glad for them. But for me it's an agonizing punch in the gut, y'know? And I'm sure I'm not the only one out there in a situation like this. Like if I'm going to be making $15 per hour with Target in 2020 anyway, why the actual hell should I bother trying to deliver exceptional outcomes at all? My raises are tiny and gonna get overwritten with no regard to how long long or hard I've worked for you, so what's the bloody point?

Spoiler: There isn't one.
Unfortunately, I'm convinced that this blanket pay increase is nothing more than a PR "Look at how much better than Wal Mart we are!" grab. They're not doing it to make our lives easier, they're not doing it because they care. They're doing it cus it makes Target look more progressive and progressive makes money.
I started as a remodel too but guess what the minimum wage was 7$ back then . I have team member working for more than 7 years and they make the 13$ just now . You act like you are all that . Yet everything you stated you did you make it sounds so hard when in fact its the job of a remodel. Never heard my team bitch and complain about locu all the Backroom , moving aisles and reprofile the Backroom for 7$ an h that was the job and the minimum at the time
Well ive been working at target for almost 12 yrs and i still make 12.58, and now they mking us $13/hr for new and old like me? Its a slap on my face. What happened to all the yrs i work for? NADA! Take it or leave it! So your not alone, if only i dont have benefits with them Ive been gone!
Well ive been working at target for almost 12 yrs and i still make 12.58, and now they mking us $13/hr for new and old like me? Its a slap on my face. What happened to all the yrs i work for? NADA! Take it or leave it! So your not alone, if only i dont have benefits with them Ive been gone!
Would you rather make $12.58 or $13? Don’t get me wrong I see your point but I know which of the two I’d pick.
Thats a silly question! Why would i stay at 12.58 if they are giving everybody $13 lol. Would u?
I think the major point is the disrespect we all feel. No one is arguing that $13 an hour is going to be a pay increase for most TMs. But anyone that has been with the company for 2, 5, 10+ years doesn’t feel appreciated as an employee when they are paid the same as a brand new TM that has no experience and doesn’t complete tasks as quickly or efficiently. We just want to be respected for the experience we bring to the table. Being paid more - even a slight amount (but obviously more than 1¢) would help to show we are appreciated and that Corp values us.
I'm also a grocery tm and got a 6cents raise after busting my ass all year then my TL who is giving my review informs me I'm the new freezer guy . Am I being punished. I'm going to ask to be transferred out of grocery today
You were complaining that everyone was going to $13. I asked if you’d rather stay at $12.58. Don’t get me wrong I see your overall point but at the end of the day you’re getting more money.
That's not the point the point is grocery is a harder department, no one in my store wants to be in grocery we deserve the extra 50 cents . Try staying in the freezer backstocking for an hour and a half
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