Management Rant & The Cost Of It

Mar 18, 2019
I've worked at Target for 10-plus years. I've seen a lot of good people come and go, also experienced many idiotic corporate Kool-Aid, practices, buzzwords, and so on, throughout the years.

When I first started I can honestly say, that management as far as a big box store retailers goes, it was probably one of the best around. Over the years with new "Target strategies" in place, slowly eroded any experience and common sense right out the door.

Let's fast forward to now! 99% of newer TL's and ETL's are now NEW hires, no previous experience with the company! Also for some insane reason, this is also some of there first jobs! In the past 4 years, my store has hired several ETL's that this would be there first job ever!

This creates a revolving door of new management constantly coming and going. As a TM, is almost impossible to create a rapport or regiment with any management. With the ever-evolving rules and guidelines of "modernization" have amplified all these problems tenfold!

With the guidelines of modernization, after 3 years which has never really been fully explain to anyone. My understanding is for management to have a completely hands-off approach when it comes to freight /plano/ you name it, delegating it ALL to DBO's! In a lot of cases it's only one or two people a shift responsible freight,pulls/ backstock, go backs, revisions, price change, reset, guest assistance, e pick, register backup, xcetera.

All with reduced time frame and hours to do so, and a detached by a unexperienced leadership that isn't even trained in half the things that most team members are trained in on day one! This is one of the big things that are extremely irritating anymore. Constantly shrinking the pool of team members and their hours, meanwhile consistently making new management positions eating up valuable hours available to the store!

On any given day I would say that management out numbers TM's 3 to 1. That is nuts, how much payroll are they wasting on management!? On a daily basis I witness a gaggle of TL's huddled around a U-boat on the line, slowly moving down to each one, discussing how long it should take to work said vehicle. Writing names and times on laminated signs plastered on each boat, spending about 5 to 10 minutes on each boat on the line. Only to do this ritual several times, with each iteration the goal times getting more and more ridiculous.

So, what's Target's strategy here? Sure there's still a very small amount I'm good managers out there that seem to get piled on with all the work. But in general all I see is basically almost zero workload/ responsibility, experienced from someone in a leadership position, with no knowledge how Target used to do things, and for that fact how jobs work in general.

So you're left with a bunch of inexperienced Napoleon's who march around in groups of 3 or more! It's there first job, so they follow the Target propaganda to a T, having no basis time frames on workload, because they have never done any of the work themselves! And consistently hiring new people with no Target experience, for more and more new management positions. Soon in the near future there will only be 4 team members per store, with 20 TL'S & 4 ETL's delegated to each team member lol.

Anyone else feeling this?

My store suffers from a lack of management. We have about a dozen team leads, but only about 2 executives... with hopefully more coming soon, but not soon enough. I'm one of those dozen and my workload is anything but light. I typically come in, do pricing/audits. Check the schedule for setters (I'm the pog lead) and assign priority work based on who is here and what is being set. Then I'm either setting with them or I'm pushing essentials truck (mostly push these days, trucks are heavy and daily and we don't have enough DBOs to keep all areas full through the week). If I'm lucky to get a light day, I'm usually flexing out product to get our BRUs down... which is so ridiculous, cause it just makes it that much harder for ship to find and sell those things. If I store-tie, that just tells the DC to send me even more shit I don't have room for. It's a vicious cycle, but I digress.

I'm a fan of aspects of modernization. I love my DBOs. I don't give them nearly the mountain of work your management seems to, but I try to keep them well-rounded should a week come that everything needs set and there aren't enough people to schedule. They're often autonomous, pushing truck, auditing their outs, putting up price accuracy and flexing/filling as necessary. Essentials is definitely a department that needs to stay full since it's often the reason most people come to the store... they stay and fill their baskets for the other sections.

I hope you get some better management or at least management that wants to be more than a glorified taskmaster.
We all know management can make or break a store! My Etl worked up from a team member. The other 2 were outside hires but in retail. I would work for any of them. They work with us and support us. I've had piss poor leadership before and it can kill a store. We are sitting pretty right now but that could change in a heartbeat! I've been here just shy of 10 years. I've seen the good, bad and the ugly lol
On a daily basis I witness a gaggle of TL's huddled around a U-boat on the line, slowly moving down to each one, discussing how long it should take to work said vehicle. Writing names and times on laminated signs plastered on each boat, spending about 5 to 10 minutes on each boat on the line. Only to do this ritual several times, with each iteration the goal times getting more and more ridiculous.
Oh, HELL no.
Oh, HELL no.
"You took too long on that U-boat...see this report? This is the amount of time you are supposed to take with this Uboat according to corporate." is what I heard several times.

I stopped giving a shit what the report said when I was on the floor. It was never going to get done in 1 hour; even if there were NO guests in the store.

I've seen Uboats with "20 minutes" and "30 minutes" written on them. Just because it has no repacks does not mean it won't take very long! If you have something to backstock, talk to two or three guests, and do the trash (which can take 5-10 minutes on its own if there are people ahead of you needing to use the cardboard baler), that's already done.

Oh, and make sure to do your reshop when you come in and when you leave!!!
ASANTS. At my store TLs are currently doubling as DBOs. We are that short-staffed. Even the Closing TL is a DBO. The only TLs who aren't DBOs are fulfillment (who spends his days picking mostly or pushing freight) and the SETLs. HR practically begs my ETL to get off the floor and into the office so the office work can get done. She's too busy, setting, pushing, pulling 1 for 1s, picking fulfillment carts, and even hopping on the registers.

I wish management would spend less time tasking so they had enough time to deal with the slacking TMs. Not, that anyone is going to get fired for slacking at my store. If they have a pulse, we can't afford to lose them. As it is, my TL doesn't even have the time to really status with me, let alone put stickies on my vehicles with suggested push times.

There are always problems with management of some srot or another. Lack of work ethic isn't one at my store.
let alone put stickies on my vehicles with suggested push times.
This never serves any purpose and is bet forgotten as a practice anyway. You obviously don't want it taking 3 hours but if things are busy, or someone yanks you for fast service or FF, or any number of things...that Uboat may not get done in that time. And then there's the plain unrealisticness of, say, a huge H&H Uboat taking 45 minutes supposedly, and you're told "see if you can get it done even faster, make it like a game!"

They stopped doing it (mostly) at my store, because most of the floor team have been there a while and been like, "It'll get done when it gets done, I have a million other things to do." They're not lazy. It's just that there's reshop, backstock, trash, etc, included in that number too, like I just said above, lol. Not to mention fast service.
I've worked at Target for 10-plus years. I've seen a lot of good people come and go, also experienced many idiotic corporate Kool-Aid, practices, buzzwords, and so on, throughout the years.

When I first started I can honestly say, that management as far as a big box store retailers goes, it was probably one of the best around. Over the years with new "Target strategies" in place, slowly eroded any experience and common sense right out the door.

Let's fast forward to now! 99% of newer TL's and ETL's are now NEW hires, no previous experience with the company! Also for some insane reason, this is also some of there first jobs! In the past 4 years, my store has hired several ETL's that this would be there first job ever!

This creates a revolving door of new management constantly coming and going. As a TM, is almost impossible to create a rapport or regiment with any management. With the ever-evolving rules and guidelines of "modernization" have amplified all these problems tenfold!

With the guidelines of modernization, after 3 years which has never really been fully explain to anyone. My understanding is for management to have a completely hands-off approach when it comes to freight /plano/ you name it, delegating it ALL to DBO's! In a lot of cases it's only one or two people a shift responsible freight,pulls/ backstock, go backs, revisions, price change, reset, guest assistance, e pick, register backup, xcetera.

All with reduced time frame and hours to do so, and a detached by a unexperienced leadership that isn't even trained in half the things that most team members are trained in on day one! This is one of the big things that are extremely irritating anymore. Constantly shrinking the pool of team members and their hours, meanwhile consistently making new management positions eating up valuable hours available to the store!

On any given day I would say that management out numbers TM's 3 to 1. That is nuts, how much payroll are they wasting on management!? On a daily basis I witness a gaggle of TL's huddled around a U-boat on the line, slowly moving down to each one, discussing how long it should take to work said vehicle. Writing names and times on laminated signs plastered on each boat, spending about 5 to 10 minutes on each boat on the line. Only to do this ritual several times, with each iteration the goal times getting more and more ridiculous.

So, what's Target's strategy here? Sure there's still a very small amount I'm good managers out there that seem to get piled on with all the work. But in general all I see is basically almost zero workload/ responsibility, experienced from someone in a leadership position, with no knowledge how Target used to do things, and for that fact how jobs work in general.

So you're left with a bunch of inexperienced Napoleon's who march around in groups of 3 or more! It's there first job, so they follow the Target propaganda to a T, having no basis time frames on workload, because they have never done any of the work themselves! And consistently hiring new people with no Target experience, for more and more new management positions. Soon in the near future there will only be 4 team members per store, with 20 TL'S & 4 ETL's delegated to each team member lol.

Anyone else feeling this?
Yep it’s common with Target all over and probably even other companies, Target just loves hiring anyone and incompetent managers who don’t gaf about their employees really or know what to do in some situations. I really been thinking that the mindset of corporate in general is to buttfuck their workplaces and their hardest working workers who don’t suck up to them and be progressive as much as they can and allow laziness and being mediocre. That’s why things are so bad in this country now because of that mindset with politics and with a lot of people and it’s making things worse than actual good “progress.”
This never serves any purpose and is bet forgotten as a practice anyway. You obviously don't want it taking 3 hours but if things are busy, or someone yanks you for fast service or FF, or any number of things...that Uboat may not get done in that time. And then there's the plain unrealisticness of, say, a huge H&H Uboat taking 45 minutes supposedly, and you're told "see if you can get it done even faster, make it like a game!"

They stopped doing it (mostly) at my store, because most of the floor team have been there a while and been like, "It'll get done when it gets done, I have a million other things to do." They're not lazy. It's just that there's reshop, backstock, trash, etc, included in that number too, like I just said above, lol. Not to mention fast service.
Only day I ever met a time demand posted on my u boat was when I kept my head down,, ripped boxes open like a maniac, did not budge for a guest or FF TM, turned off my walkie, and barely zoned. I was your basic asshole. But I did it once then never did it again. The formula is so stupid..1 minute a box ? Including detrash and backstock of a 30 box uboat?? They call you after 30 minutes as your surrounded by teetering backstock, flurries of plastic, Styrofoam, and ask how you're doing on your push? You ve still got to squeeze down the backroom amid other TM s backstocking, TMFF carts whizzing by needing to get down your aisle, and finally no room in the baler for your cardboard. No. Hour minimum since you are not working in a vacume...guests inquiries, FF TM inquiries, running for the call box, spills, defects, poor zoning, backup cashier, and my favorite of course walking guests to let them into the restrooms.
Why even try so I don't.
Hey, the latest for us is "pull your out of stocks every time you go to the backroom!!!".

Sure, let me just pull all the overflow freight that inbounds left, PML's cart, the broken guest carts PML hasn't fixed, Beauty's sort vehicles, the supply pallet, paper's backstock they left, etc, away from my appliance wall and then I'll pull those out of stocks. Oh, you want me to put all that other stuff back when I'm done? Yeah, NO.
Everyone at my store pulls their weight and many go above and beyond. All the TLs and ETLs are pushing freight and they jump into OPUs when needed. Our SD will do all that plus back up on a lane. There are times when management has to sit and do shit at a computer. It's part of their job
Hey, the latest for us is "pull your out of stocks every time you go to the backroom!!!".
I call these things "MOM" i.e. Metric of the Moment meaning it will be something else in a month or so.

Our store doesn't seem to prioritize the push.

Yesterday a TM was working on the Halloween for Pets Endcap when there is tons of Halloween for mini season just sitting there.

That endcap isn't any visible to anyone guest that walks by the main aisle.
Yep, went through this just this past spring. I think my store went through about 5 SETLs because a couple moved out of state, one got fired, a couple quit and one switched workcenters. It's somewhat frustrating when it happens as fast as it did at my store, but we adapt pretty quickly. Such is the nature of the beast that is retail.
Yes. Restrooms are locked. Everyone needs to key in..
TM s so then have to key in guests.
All bathrooms are essentially public
Is there ever a time where you wouldn't let someone in? I assume you work in a big city where they are worried about theft or homeless washing themselves in the bathroom.
If you ask me (and I’m sure you were about to) the best worst thing about working for a remote controlled ETL-unit was their win-win strategy to lose $100 to save $100. A still-memorable example was when I got scheduled for a 4-hour shift, asked to stay for 8 and was told nah. So I dutifully clocked out at my scheduled time for the sake of the shareholders, and as I was randomly browsing the salesfloor in guest-mode while waiting for my ride I noticed that some dipshit had pushed a shitload of $280 Keurigs to a $60 price point. I couldn’t help smiling to myself as a couple of Karens zoomed into the aisle having sniffed out the scent of a fat price change from several miles away. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh. Not paying me sure gets expensive quick, don’t it?

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