Archived Manuals/ CAFs/ Autos/ OOS

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Aug 7, 2018
Hey everyone- trying to get my head straight bouncing between stores for support that have different routines/ priorities and names.

So autofills are due at noon- and those are your generated batches based on what sold.
You drop manuals when walking your area when needed right? And that’s the same as a CAF? what’s due at 3pm? And then 5pm on weekends-?? When do you do your OOS? Shouldn’t that stuff be covered by autofills??

I’ve been told so many times but each store does it different. I’m looking for strategies on how to cut workload and set priorities with some tips and tricks!
Unless things have changed recently, pulling manuals will reduce the size of your cafs/ autofills, but if you don’t complete the manuals before the cafs/autofills drop, the manuals will drop into the batches, defeating the purpose. It’s a good strategy to drop manuals one at a time and pull the batch before you drop another one, so you don’t get caught with workload you can’t finish in time.
Hey everyone- trying to get my head straight bouncing between stores for support that have different routines/ priorities and names.

So autofills are due at noon- and those are your generated batches based on what sold.
You drop manuals when walking your area when needed right? And that’s the same as a CAF? what’s due at 3pm? And then 5pm on weekends-?? When do you do your OOS? Shouldn’t that stuff be covered by autofills??

I’ve been told so many times but each store does it different. I’m looking for strategies on how to cut workload and set priorities with some tips and tricks!
There is no more 3 pm and 5 pm . The goal is to complete auto by noon to get credit for it .
cafs/ autofills, but if you don’t complete the manuals before the cafs/autofills drop
Caf is computer generated , auto fill drops when the truck gets acknowledged. As for what’s better you supposed to drop a manual caf it the auto goes away . A manual caf is filling the whole fill group . Caf is based on what’s been sold but not accurate . And auto subtracts from what’s already in your trailer . Best way is to do manual caf .
I’ve been told so many times but each store does it different. I’m looking for strategies on how to cut workload and set priorities with some tips and tricks!
Manual caf is the way to go , yes it will be huge at first because it was probably never done . It will empty your Backroom , fills your fill group ie pharm from aisle 1 to 10 . But dropping manual everyday will minimize your pulls once you get to a good spot.
Is it me or is this system just becoming more ridiculous? We had a plan to get things going and things change. Okay damn, let's work a few months with the change and things start working out and things change again...Okay let's start's LATE JULY....this is not the time to start figuring shit out again. We need to prepare for the holidays. This damn company thinks we can cram 15 months of work into 12 months and it's insulting at best. You know McDonalds already pays 15 an hour (at least here) right? The environment was the only thing keeping us here. I don't want to ever work for the clown but damn it all you are tempting me. Lmao Anyway as the above post ^^ We are never allowed to do technical work at my store. Our hours are enough to come in, do our pulls, do our freight, zone if it's a light day and go home. We do basic shit and get treated like we should know how everything works. Some of the worst leadership ever. We lost our best leaders to other businesses and our absolute best moved to softlines for whatever reason. I hope this all comes down on leadership because many of us 3+ year TMs know our way around just a bit more than the 1-2's. And they know a lot but struggle with some things. We are literally at the point where we don't even train our seasonal "keep-ons" long enough. They ask me such basic questions and I'm like...who the fuck trained you. Probably one of the ones who quit and didn't care. OH GOD /ENDINCOHERENTRANT
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Hey everyone- trying to get my head straight bouncing between stores for support that have different routines/ priorities and names.

So autofills are due at noon- and those are your generated batches based on what sold.
You drop manuals when walking your area when needed right? And that’s the same as a CAF? what’s due at 3pm? And then 5pm on weekends-?? When do you do your OOS? Shouldn’t that stuff be covered by autofills??

I’ve been told so many times but each store does it different. I’m looking for strategies on how to cut workload and set priorities with some tips and tricks!
First thing they should do is drop MAN CAFs. Then zone as they are working it out. They are most likely massive right now because I think it’s just trying to purge as much as possible from the back. And it’s more than likely not been done. Just make sure it’s actually getting done consistently, and they should reduce in size. You might also consider having the team SFC/SFQ as they go. Any time they have backstock, they should question it. At least at my store the new motto is “backstock is a mistake”. They should audit capacities and quantities as they push. If counts are accurate, the only time anyone should have to backstock is if they have to pull case-stock.
First thing they should do is drop MAN CAFs. Then zone as they are working it out. They are most likely massive right now because I think it’s just trying to purge as much as possible from the back. And it’s more than likely not been done. Just make sure it’s actually getting done consistently, and they should reduce in size. You might also consider having the team SFC/SFQ as they go. Any time they have backstock, they should question it. At least at my store the new motto is “backstock is a mistake”. They should audit capacities and quantities as they push. If counts are accurate, the only time anyone should have to backstock is if they have to pull case-stock.
Our leaders stopped dropping manuals and literally have told us fuck all about what to do. When I noticed they stopped I started doing it. Now they changed mywork again so we cant do fill for depth and I am confused as all hell. Of course I have zero time to stop and ask my leader all day. Work my ass off, get it done barely and go home. I'd love to do a purge from the back like the the new mywork says but I'm afraid to without the leaders consent since it says nothing about how large it will be. This system is so convoluted. The programmers (or what word would you use?) for these apps are obviously not familiar with how a regular TM works their day and it shows. It seems so mis managed the way the mydevice works and that is our backbone to getting things done. Working on wireless phone type devices with that shitty OS they have in them to get things done with 10+ apps individually opened instead of having one app that did it all is such a mindfuck. Is this really how it HAS to be or how they want it to be. Did it come down to cost of developing the apps? Because if you ask me skimping on the cost of our efficiency with our zebras just ends up costing more time down the road with errors and we might want to reconsider how doing it right the first time (looking @ my leaders...and the higher ups through the side of my eye glaringly here) maybe we could operate smoother.
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Our leaders stopped dropping manuals and literally have told us fuck all about what to do. When I noticed they stopped I started doing it. Now they changed mywork again so we cant do fill for depth and I am confused as all hell. Of course I have zero time to stop and ask my leader all day. Work my ass off, get it done barely and go home. I'd love to do a purge from the back like the the new mywork says but I'm afraid to without the leaders consent since it says nothing about how large it will be. This system is so convoluted. The programmers (or what word would you use?) for these apps are obviously not familiar with how a regular TM works their day and it shows. It seems so mis managed the way the mydevice works and that is our backbone to getting things done. Working on wireless phone type devices with that shitty OS they have in them to get things done with 10+ apps individually opened instead of having one app that did it all is such a mindfuck. Is this really how it HAS to be or how they want it to be. Did it come down to cost of developing the apps? Because if you ask me skimping on the cost of our efficiency with our zebras just ends up costing more time down the road with errors and we might want to reconsider how doing it right the first time (looking @ my leaders...and the higher ups through the side of my eye glaringly here) maybe we could operate smoother.
Fill for depth is one for one
Fill for depth is one for one
Ahhhh thanks. Fill for depth has changed in how it works too it seems then because one for one shows massive DPCIs. Capacity must be majorly fucked if I get what I think I'm getting. I change capacity as much as I can to lighten my workload but if I do it everytime something is suspicious I will never finish my workload. Any tips?
Ahhhh thanks. Fill for depth has changed in how it works too it seems then because one for one shows massive DPCIs. Capacity must be majorly fucked if I get what I think I'm getting. I change capacity as much as I can to lighten my workload but if I do it everytime something is suspicious I will never finish my workload. Any tips?
It shows massive dpci before you actually create the batch , but once you create the batch it becomes smaller because it will subtract from the auto the same dpci , and your auto completely goes away and you will only have the man caf to pull. If you are a low volume store with down days no rdc truck your manual will always be bigger that day because you don’t have the truck.
It shows massive dpci before you actually create the batch , but once you create the batch it becomes smaller because it will subtract from the auto the same dpci , and your auto completely goes away and you will only have the man caf to pull. If you are a low volume store with down days no rdc truck your manual will always be bigger that day because you don’t have the truck.
This is just a daily manual for paper for my store we don’t have down days I’m a Triple A volume store . After the manual I don’t need to do exf I normally have my bulk person run the Pipo and it’s dialed on the floor.


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Ahhhh thanks. Fill for depth has changed in how it works too it seems then because one for one shows massive DPCIs. Capacity must be majorly fucked if I get what I think I'm getting. I change capacity as much as I can to lighten my workload but if I do it everytime something is suspicious I will never finish my workload. Any tips?
In my opinion you have to change capacities anytime it’s off. Like I said, backstock is a mistake. Eventually you will get to a point where it should be accurate and you won’t have to worry about it. And in all honesty, if any of your leaders even have half a brain they would understand the importance of SFC/SFQ, and not punish you for not finishing your workload because of it. You’re taking the time now to get it right and perfect it, so that down the road it won’t take you so long. If nothing else, just tell them that when they question you.
Unless things have changed recently, pulling manuals will reduce the size of your cafs/ autofills, but if you don’t complete the manuals before the cafs/autofills drop, the manuals will drop into the batches, defeating the purpose. It’s a good strategy to drop manuals one at a time and pull the batch before you drop another one, so you don’t get caught with workload you can’t finish in time.
So cafs, autofills, (fillgroups on the device) are all the same thing?
I feel like pulling from the back then shooting exfs (plus changing capacity and quantity before pushing) from freight would change the game in accuracy of counts, capacity, on hands etc. Is my logic skewed here? Like accept the truck on the MyDevice, have your team shoot exfs for missing items, fill the floor and THEN push to fill. It seems backward but in my experience I push a lot of cases that I already have open stock of in the back. I know I hear things about having no casestock and no ladders needed in the backroom but it's not something we can just do immediately or in months time even. We don't need autos or cafs we just need to own our areas and know our outs. They assume we are idiots or something? We can figure out what needs to be filled. Don't hold my hand if I'm a dedicated business owner.

Edit: I know this is all what Brian wants but I need to vent about the general idea of this whole process. 2nd Edit: and if I backstock the cases that already have open stock in the back, shoot and EXF, change the capacity and salesfloor count and take all that time to fix a problem I get told I took too much time to do my job. Laugh my fucking ass off. Sure it took longer but I created a cleaner backroom, salesfloor and more accurate count of what we actually have in the store, and on the floor. Lord have mercy.
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I feel like pulling from the back then shooting exfs (plus changing capacity and quantity before pushing) from freight would change the game in accuracy of counts, capacity, on hands etc. Is my logic skewed here? Like accept the truck on the MyDevice, have your team shoot exfs for missing items, fill the floor and THEN push to fill. It seems backward but in my experience I push a lot of cases that I already have open stock of in the back. I know I hear things about having no casestock and no ladders needed in the backroom but it's not something we can just do immediately or in months time even. We don't need autos or cafs we just need to own our areas and know our outs. They assume we are idiots or something? We can figure out what needs to be filled. Don't hold my hand if I'm a dedicated business owner.
Exf should be done after at the end . The manual is to fill all your aisles , then freight , after you do a good zone and shoot an exf . If nothing in the back do an audit to start getting it in your next trucks
Exf should be done after at the end . The manual is to fill all your aisles , then freight , after you do a good zone and shoot an exf . If nothing in the back do an audit to start getting it in your next trucks
no no I know I was suggesting a different strategy that my brain keeps wanting to do I know how the process goes been a long time TM =P The idea of that process is going along with how they want us to do it. I see a better way in some respects and was just suggesting it in jest. haha Sorry if it came off wrong.
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