Hiring Marked non-rehireable

Feb 9, 2023
hi team!

i found this site just a few minutes ago looking for some answers - hoping anyone might be able to help.

back in 2016, i left my GSA position abruptly and suddenly. another GSA i was working with was sexually harassing me in private and calling me the big gay F slur in front of other teammates and leadership (you can guess why).

one night, he had me cornered in an office while we were closing and continually was launching the F slur at me in a “joking” way and i had enough of it. as we were leaving the store, i told the ETL i would not be returning.

i had complained to HR over 2 years about all of this and was told that i’m making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be and that i need to “own the word” and if he’s questioning his sexuality and using me as a tool, i need to “play back” and pursue it on my end. this was HR’s direction and their idea of being “inclusive” to everyone in the situation so i’m not sure how much official paper trail was made during that time.

anyway, i’ve since moved on to much larger career opportunities in a much larger, less conservative city. i’ve cemented a great corporate career with a healthcare company since 2016, however, i’ve always missed my experience at target and i’m at a point in my life where happiness > money.

my husband recently left the same corporation to be a manager at gamestop and despite the drastic pay difference, he’s infinitely less depressed and is excited to wake up every morning and i SO SO desperately want that again. it might sound crazy, but target really meant that much to me despite everything going on at the time.

i know my emotional 19 year old self made a poor decision by abandoning my job, but i’m wondering if there’s any word on when i would become rehireable again? or if anyone has any suggestions on how to get rehired given the set of circumstances?

hi team!

i found this site just a few minutes ago looking for some answers - hoping anyone might be able to help.

back in 2016, i left my GSA position abruptly and suddenly. another GSA i was working with was sexually harassing me in private and calling me the big gay F slur in front of other teammates and leadership (you can guess why).

one night, he had me cornered in an office while we were closing and continually was launching the F slur at me in a “joking” way and i had enough of it. as we were leaving the store, i told the ETL i would not be returning.

i had complained to HR over 2 years about all of this and was told that i’m making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be and that i need to “own the word” and if he’s questioning his sexuality and using me as a tool, i need to “play back” and pursue it on my end. this was HR’s direction and their idea of being “inclusive” to everyone in the situation so i’m not sure how much official paper trail was made during that time.

anyway, i’ve since moved on to much larger career opportunities in a much larger, less conservative city. i’ve cemented a great corporate career with a healthcare company since 2016, however, i’ve always missed my experience at target and i’m at a point in my life where happiness > money.

my husband recently left the same corporation to be a manager at gamestop and despite the drastic pay difference, he’s infinitely less depressed and is excited to wake up every morning and i SO SO desperately want that again. it might sound crazy, but target really meant that much to me despite everything going on at the time.

i know my emotional 19 year old self made a poor decision by abandoning my job, but i’m wondering if there’s any word on when i would become rehireable again? or if anyone has any suggestions on how to get rehired given the set of circumstances?

Still no hours in 1st quarter & gsa job are gone. Check out your local spot & see the changes.
Spot has had some pretty drastic Changes since then. You've been gonne long enough nobody would probably remember you, atleast the people making the decision whether to hire you or not. Check out the store first and walk around. I wouldn't recommend if your looking for less stress.
thank you!! i don’t live in the same city anymore so i have like 7 different store options now compared to the one before lol so i’ll definitely give it a try and hope for the best!!! worst case scenario i’m hoping i can just be upfront and admit i could have handled the situation better on my end and left my role more appropriately. worst they can say is no.

would take retail stress over corporate stress any day… the way our healthcare system functions **just barely above** the line of what is legal for both patients and employees is scary sometimes. very much over being apart of it lol. thank you again you’re the best!! 🙂
Any store you apply to will not see your rehire status unless you were fired for stealing or assaulting someone (and the store will not see it, but will be informed about it by someone in HROC).

2016 is a long time ago. Why and how you left no longer matters.
Agreeing with @Yetive - if the question is raised, I'd go with what you said about handling it better now that you're a few years older and smarter. But I wouldn't volunteer the information. Don't hide it either by leaving it off your application; these days, so many places are hard up for good employees and they're not being all that picky.
When Workday was brought on, the reason for termination did not transfer over from JAS, our previous system. I'm not sure exactly when we made the transition, I think 2018, but am not certain, so they would not see.

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