Archived Mass exodus of shoes...

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Pricing TM
Jan 20, 2016
Anyone else have a crazy salvage week? 3 heaping carts of RTW and at least 10 of shoes when I worked this week.
Yea, a bunch of ours were apparently never put out, though. A bunch of "new" shoes in the backroom went salvage.
Two Gaylord boxes yesterday...back in there today to finish.
Had that happen here too.... i feel like most of the time were waiting forever for shoes to salvage and it goes a week BEFORE the transition???? we had to flex our 8 pallets of shoes to the floor it was bare
At least two pallets of salvage shoes here, more to come I'm sure. Of course price team showed up with them right after the trailer had been sealed so now we're going to have to find room for them for another week.
At least two pallets of salvage shoes here, more to come I'm sure. Of course price team showed up with them right after the trailer had been sealed so now we're going to have to find room for them for another week.
Wait, is this my store? Ha. Because we pretty much did that too. There were no boxes to be found, so we had to horde all our carts in the corner of Shoes. By the time we got boxes it was too late to load them up!
Thankfully the Sweep changed to Monday, as opposed to Friday, so all of the shoes just have to wait the weekend. I can deal with that. Too tall to put up in the steel though. lol.
Our price change TM was prepared and had asked for two helpers for today. They spent the entire time in shoes, ending up with a few pallets of salvage. The Flow TM who did trash today saved a bunch of large Sterlite boxes for them to use.

Now I just hope POG can get the new shoes out quickly, because we have something like 20 pallets of them in the backroom and there's no way in hell that I'm going to dig through them once they become eligible for SFS.
ONLY 3? Big reset this week, they are ALL clearance. And there isn't going to be a place to put all that clearance. GG target.
I stole my best sf tm and her and myself trucked away at shoes all day thursday and got it set and pulled all the salvage. I still have some more left on the pog pull that im going to work monday if no one got to it but it looks sooooo much better.
Our area is still a shit show. I hope it gets set on time. It's difficult, when pushing, because some were flexed out earlier and I have to roam the aisles to see which ones were flexed. I hate shoes.
Every aisle looked like this (and this wasn't even the worst, half of the aisle was already picked up a bit) Guests see a red sticker and must touch every box and not fix it. Our shoe department is full of clearance and empty boxes... No time to care for it without getting the hours, I can't wait for the reset.

This is my version of hell. Shoes.


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Can you go ahead and take our 10 skids of 2/2, 2/7, and 2/8 chain set shoes please?
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