
Sep 25, 2019
Y'all like a good steak? Costco has frozen Japanese beef. Steaks. $99.99/lb. I got a pkg of Kirkland no meat spicey burgers, frozen and very nice. I noticed the Japanese meat in the freezer. They had them packaged two to a pack, for $171.00 and change. Dinner's ready!
Lather up one of them bad boys with some Sweet Baby Ray's, baked sweet potato and some mixed greens, just like Morrisons Cafeteria Buffet in Myrtle Beach. Chase it with a 16 oz PBR.
If you have ever had Wagyu beef you kind of understand why it is so expensive.
It is so tender and almost dissolves in your mouth.
The flavor is like beef squared.
There is beef and then there is Wagyu.
I wouldn't buy it now, because I live paycheck to paycheck (the life of a public servant) but damn, if you ever get a chance to, eat some.
You won't regret it.
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So I have heard! Working on maintaining that youthful boyish figure so the marbling is a no-go for this old timer. Turkey meatloaf? Now you're talking. Above my pay grade anyway. Bon Appetit!
The Wagyu at Costco actually has provenance from Japan.
But yeah, most restaurant lie when they say they are selling Kobe.
It's sort of like "champagne" is technically only from one area in France.

It's generic now like aspirin, kleenex, etc.
There's nothing quite like sinking your teeth into a juicy piece of beef. Costco always comes through with the goods, right?

I remember the first time I spotted that Japanese beef in the freezer aisle. I was like, "Whoa, what's this fancy stuff?" $99.99/lb definitely gave me sticker shock, but hey, sometimes you gotta treat yourself.

Those Kirkland spicy burgers are a staple in my freezer too – they're the real MVPs of quick and tasty meals. Hey, if you're feeling adventurous, I recently stumbled upon this site They've got wagyu meat, and while I've never tried it myself, it looks pretty tempting.
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I have had kobe a few times. It is distinct from wagyu, because that only refers to the breed of cattle, of which much that is labeled wagyu is interbred with more typical American beef cattle, but can somehow still be called wagyu, and in many cases, inaccurately labeled kobe.

My most memorable experience with Kobe was paying $30/Oz getting 5 ounces of thin sliced raw Kobe and cooking it on 700 degree hot stone for a second per side and then having the option to dip it in various oils and seasonings. Of course it was enjoyed with nothing, maybe a few grains of course salt.

It is truly a remarkable beef. The price makes you appreciate it all the more. But even if it had closer price parity with more traditional cows, there is no question as to its sensory superiority.
Exemplary sensory superiority and mouth feel, Costco all beef hot dog. A little Guldens a little Hormel canned Chili, doesn't get any better.

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