Archived Medical LOA documentation

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Jill of All Trades

hang on, I've got a blinker
Jul 12, 2014
I might need to spend a couple weeks (give or take) in the hospital soon. I really, really don't want anyone at Spot to know why. I don't want to disclose my doctor's specialty or the name of the hospital where I will be treated and I especially do not want anyone knowing what sort of treatment I will be receiving when I'm there. What does HR need from my doctors to put me on a medical LOA? Would a letter saying "Jill is unable to work due to a medical condition" be enough?
Unfortunately thats not going to be enough, you need to talk to your HR. Just tell them that you need a medical LOA, you don't have to give them specifics. They should refer you to Hewitt , who monitors and takes care of all Medical LOA's. You will have to give them specifics, but they don't share anything with the store. They will ultimately approve or Deny your medical LOA.. PM me if you have any other questions! Hope everything works out.
Unfortunately thats not going to be enough, you need to talk to your HR. Just tell them that you need a medical LOA, you don't have to give them specifics. They should refer you to Hewitt , who monitors and takes care of all Medical LOA's. You will have to give them specifics, but they don't share anything with the store. They will ultimately approve or Deny your medical LOA.. PM me if you have any other questions! Hope everything works out.

Thanks. I don't mind sharing the details with an outside agency and I'm sure they'll approve the request- I just don't want to deal with the rumor mill at work. I should find out in a couple of weeks if I have to go inpatient or if I can do outpatient treatments instead.
Thanks guys! I don't think I'll need short term disability- the inpatient part of my treatment (if any) shouldn't be more than two weeks. Once I switch over to outpatient, a lot is going to depend on how well I tolerate the treatment. A lot of people are able to work, but some have side effects that make it impossible. Right now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I won't need to go inpatient at all, but it's best to prepare for everything!
Just don't push yourself before you're able; especially since you have a move coming up.
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