Archived Merchandising Brand TM?

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Jan 18, 2016
I have seen on this site that some stores have a merchandising brand TM. Is this true? My store doesn't have one, but we have a SL ETL, 2 SL TLs, a VML, a shoe brand TM, and a Jewelry/accessories brand TM. My ETL recently started assigning me merchandising projects and he told me that I should work with my VML more often because I have a "talent" for merchandising. The VML had me help him change mannequins according to the VA recently. One of my TLs is also starting to give me a few merchandising/presentation tasks. I was interested in the merchandising brand position when I read about it on here, but I'm not sure if that is something I could speak to my ETL about because they have said nothing about it. What should I do?
Depending on your store's volume, they might not have enough hours in the VM workcenter for both the VML and an MBTM. Definitely check with your ETL and VML to see if they'll be staffing the position in your store, and let them know you're interested.
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