Archived Might be going back to work with Spot!

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Former PFresh Assistant
Jun 15, 2011
Hey guys! It has been a while since I've been on this forum... probably the not working at Target thing! Anyway I was presented with an opportunity to move to Indianapolis and go to college at IUPUI and am probably going to take advantage of it! Only issue that I have is that I do not have a job there and I cannot transfer within the company that I currently work for! So I thought that I would go back and work for Target! I guess I just have a few basic questions about the area like what the base pay is there and if there are any stores that you should and shouldn't work for. If your in that area please respond or feel free to IM me!

Thank you all in advance!! 😀
On the one hand I want to say 'Really? Are you sure?"
But I'll stick with with, "Welcome back."
Welcome, um... it really depends on the area you move to. There aren't any Targets near IUPUI, most are at least twenty minutes away. So I'd have to say go to one closest to you once you saw the area.
Yea I noticed that there isnt anything incredibly close to campus. But its not like we have made any solid decision on a place to live. Still not entirely sure that I want to go back to Target but it is something that I know pretty well, and maybe just maybe the leadership won't be as bad as it was at my store!! (really crossing my fingers on that one!)

One area that we though of moving to was Castleton, if there is a target near there. Preferably a SuperT so I can stick with whole food thing and not have to learn any new skills!
my first thought for you is oh you crazy loon why would you want to return but at anyrate welcome back brother :excited:
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