I stored mine in a 3 tier near my desk and luckily this week most of the ones that disappeared went with IRs the dropped this week. I'm hoping the rest drop in during the next round.
That's what I thought. I've had some go past the date in the RevLog Pulls but still be under the date that is in RevLog. Do they just disappear once they are past the date in the RevLog?
I used to have no problems getting them all pulled in time but now with modernization our store is such a disaster that I can't always get them all done. I used to get them all pulled and packaged up by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest. Now its a miracle if I can get them all pulled by Thursday. I literally had to move fifteen 3 tiers out of my way in electronics so I could do my pulls. Then I have to spend a ton of time moving crap around in receiving so my vendors can get through because my area is a dump zone for everything all the other teams don't want to deal with.