Archived Missed Cartwheel

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For some reason I was not receiving the cartwheel discount for a certain exclusive offer several times. Another time I didn't received it on a pricy item. Both scenarios, there was no reason it shouldn't apply when the terms and conditions were read. GS simply gave me a cash refund every single time, whether it was the cheap exclusive offer or the one-time pricy item.
Yikes I had no clue it was this complicated every single time I handed a receipt to someone and they were like "oh no I forgot my cartwheel" I always was just like "oh you can go to guest service and they can refund the amounts back onto your card" lol
Yikes I had no clue it was this complicated every single time I handed a receipt to someone and they were like "oh no I forgot my cartwheel" I always was just like "oh you can go to guest service and they can refund the amounts back onto your card" lol
technically there's nothing a cashier can do about it so they have to send guest over to GS but your GS probably hates you nonetheless 🙂
The thing I hate most about Cartwheel as a cashier/GS is that you can't delete the Cartwheel coupon once scanned without deleting the ENTIRE transaction. So if a guest realizes that an item is 20% off on Cartwheel, wants to add it but the cashier has already scanned the barcode, you would have to first delete everything and then re-ring the entire purchase. So dumb.
GSTL here.

Scan receipt, scan item, k6 fix a mistake, k5 wrong price, apply % savings and mark it as k3 missed cartwheel. It'll be a credit back to their card or cash back and sometimes a gift card refund. Sometimes unfortunately it forces you to return the item though and then repurchase it at the cartwheel price. Always make sure to scan each item too to make sure it actually qualifies for the savings using your smartphone or zebra.

Even though the limit is four items per cartwheel offer per transaction.. I still take care of the guest and do it for up to 24 maximum (given you can use cartwheel up to six times a dayx4..) however, kindly explain to the guest that next time for their own convenience they can also just split their transactions to apply each cartwheel threshold of four up to six times.

Beware of couponers who want to stack cartwheel manufacturer coupons with their own on the same item.

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The thing I hate most about Cartwheel as a cashier/GS is that you can't delete the Cartwheel coupon once scanned without deleting the ENTIRE transaction. So if a guest realizes that an item is 20% off on Cartwheel, wants to add it but the cashier has already scanned the barcode, you would have to first delete everything and then re-ring the entire purchase. So dumb.
THIS. so annoying.
GSTL here.
Even though the limit is four items per cartwheel offer per transaction.. I still take care of the guest and do it for up to 24 maximum (given you can use cartwheel up to six times a dayx4..) however, kindly explain to the guest that next time for their own convenience they can also just split their transactions to apply each cartwheel threshold of four up to six times.

Beware of couponers who want to stack cartwheel manufacturer coupons with their own on the same item.


I'm never doing that. We limit guests to four per DPCI unless there is some reason that they need more than 4 (cat food is an example of something that we don't limit).
Never is anyone getting more than 4 baby formula. We are the go-to store for people buying in mass to sell on Chi-Bay or to take home to resell in China for triple. There is also a lot of return fraud, money laundering and criminal crap that I won't get into regarding baby formula and formula checks. I don't sell more than 4. Don't bore me with your stories. I don't waiver. I don't care to hear it. You people are slimy, and I'm calling for the next guest. ("You" is referring to the baby formula sketchers).

The register will usually catch the double coupons. It just won't use the cartwheel coupon. It is one of the few things that works almost every time.
there are some offers (like the current 20% off clearence clothes) that allow you more than 4, so just make sure to check
Beware of couponers who want to stack cartwheel manufacturer coupons with their own on the same item.
The register will usually catch the double coupons. It just won't use the cartwheel coupon. It is one of the few things that works almost every time.
I've had manf coupons & inadvertently used them when there was already a cartwheel coupon & it simply omits the cartwheel for that item.
I had the opposite effect. I had three items and two coupons, so I thought the manufacturer coupon on cartwheel would apply to the third item. It applied, but my other two coupons were disallowed.
You must be one of those cashiers that sends the Guest to Guest Service when all they wanted was a gift receipt. Lol, I mean, I kinda agree with you, but I'm also heavily triggered by it!
Isn't that your purpose?
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