Moving down


Beauty TM
Sep 29, 2017
Has anyone gone from TM to TL and back to TM? I've been SETL for a year now (cashier->GSA->sales floor TM->SETL) and between COVID anxiety/depression and my absolutely horrendous co-TL I hit my limit and asked our store director to put me back as a TM. I don't think I'm in a good place to provide what the store needs, and I don't feel like I can make any effective change with the other SETL being condescending and overbearing. Sucks, but at the same time I'm kind of excited to go back to the sales floor and not have to deal with the drama and bureaucracy behind the scenes.
Front end Can definitely Burn out faster than any other position. Double quick if there is friction or if you are not supported from other leadership. I would have asked for a lateral change before I asked to step down. Are you taking into consideration ALL the things you would be giving up ? Hours, benefits, leading a team, affecting store results in a real way, decision making opportunities. Remember a TM is NOT guaranteed any amount of hours, in any area, is at the mercy of both TL and ETL making decisions FOR them, very few benefits, if any, (health, dental, 401K, vacation time, sick time, holiday pay). Are there any other TL positions open? Are there any other TL that showed an interest in S&E that may be willing to swap positions ?
Typically a step-down is required to transfer stores - but I have seen one or two that stay in their store but I think it is on a case by case basis and is frowned upon.
‘Good luck. i have been at the end of my rope more than once. Luckily, other factors changed before I made any permanent changes.
also - they say ”the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”. Don’t be naive to think there is NOT drama and bureaucracy on the salesfloor too.
It can be done for a good reason (health, family/home situation). I did it years ago and got a higher hourly wage than I expected and was also able to stay at the same store. Now, you will have to transfer to a different store. Good luck.
I recently got back from an LOA for my mental health, actually, which is what has put things in perspective for me. I do have the go-ahead from my store director and the district lead for stepping down, and I told them I'd be willing to do anything (which I am), and I'm trained on just about everything due to past ETLs being great with development. I'm just still a little unsure because I do think I'm good at this job. My co-TL is just... so incredibly unwilling to compromise, or listen to my ideas. She's a known issue but she never seems to do anything "bad enough" to warrant actual consequences, and when anyone tries to point out her behavior it must've been a misunderstanding or she didn't mean it that way surely, etc. The SD cringed knowingly when I named her as part of the reason I wanted to step down and acknowledged they've had conversations in the past. And she had conversations in the past with our previous SD! It's very frustrating. One of our previous ETLs, encouraging me to take this position last year, said that I would be good because I would "soften her edges". I asked why that was my responsibility and they hemmed and hawed. I'm just tired of it.
I am not a team lead but, personally would not step down if I was one. I’ve been with spot a long time and I know most team leads don’t stay in one department or store long. You might be sorry if you step down then shortly after your co-lead moves to another department or store.
Thank you all for your replies! I thought it over and told the SD today that I was still hesitant but wanted to see if we could make it work. We're gonna see how I feel in 30 days. If I can stick it out until next year we should get another TL position and ideally I'll move laterally to that... it's just making it til then that'll be difficult.
Hopefully knowing that you are able to move once its over gives you the peace of mind to stick it out
It's great that you have that kind of relationship with your SD.

One thing I try to do is decompress after work. Silly movies, long walks with the reggae playing 😎🎶

It's a very stressful environment now that's for sure. But as one of my ETLs once told me "Remember, at the end of the day, we sell Barbies and ketchup"😁
Thank you all for your replies! I thought it over and told the SD today that I was still hesitant but wanted to see if we could make it work. We're gonna see how I feel in 30 days. If I can stick it out until next year we should get another TL position and ideally I'll move laterally to that... it's just making it til then that'll be difficult.
I wish you the best and I hope you feel differently after 30 days. I do feel like this years has been the most trying.

It's a very stressful environment now that's for sure. But as one of my ETLs once told me "Remember, at the end of the day, we sell Barbies and ketchup"😁

That quote for your ETL is the best! Made my day!

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