Archived Myself

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Former team member
Jun 27, 2012
Hi. I am actually a long time user who decided recently to change my user name. This user name -- OneGoodEar -- represents me at the store where I work at. My tenure at Target is long, and I have covered many areas (instocks, flow, recovery, plano (with a couple of hours of price accuracy). I also had shifts covering the backroom, electronics and cashiering. However, I have never been promoted to above a team member.
Have you spoken to your Team Leader or ETL about being developed? A wise person once told me that "you are responsible for for own development and growth" because if you don't say anything, they more than likely won't do anything.
Have you spoken to your Team Leader or ETL about being developed? A wise person once told me that "you are responsible for for own development and growth" because if you don't say anything, they more than likely won't do anything.

Yes, I have.
Best advice I can give is to seek feedback on any areas of improvement which you may have and also ask for some "do more" projects. Seek out your TL and ETL as mentors (as a lead I have 2 ETLs as mentors, my STL acts as a mentor, and a Group Partner who gives me extra projects) and keep going on eHR to check for promotional opportunities. This is of course if you want to move up.
Keep trying! Be the I can get it done person! avoid the " I am just a team member" mindset. That could hold you back. Pricingmaster's suggestions are great! You sound that you are wellknowing in several workcenters. Does your upper mgt know that you want to move up? Give it a shot. Don't let "what if" control your life. Let us know what happens.
Good luck!
Done all that. Actually, in an indirect way, Target does not want me to be anything higher than a TM on the store level, but I am OK with that.
GSA/HR are great ways to be TMs, but still be impactful on the team.
Done all that. Actually, in an indirect way, Target does not want me to be anything higher than a TM on the store level, but I am OK with that.
Don't be indirect about anything involving advancement. It is ok to go behind closed doors and speak about how you want to advance and how can you improve on leadership skills. Be direct, but professional when speaking and listen to what they say, then work on any areas of improvement, and make sure to ask specifically for "do more" projects to help you grow.
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