Mystery items?

May 8, 2020
So first, let me explain. I have been learning new workstations as a part of my development. This week I got to learn how inbound works and worked a few 4am shifts. Don’t get me wrong, I have learned a LOT and VERY quickly, but there are some things that even the TLs I partner with and the ETL overseeing my development plan can’t seem to answer.

The biggest question I have right now is regarding how many fit/how many are here when I’m stocking.. Also, this is confusing to put into words so please bare with me.

Let’s say I’m pushing chips in the morning. So it’s 5:30 am and I hear an etl saying he “hasn’t acknowledged the truck yet”. Does that mean he presses a button and every item on the truck is added to the on the floor count? I heard him say shortly after that he was going to acknowledge it, just incase that affects anyone’s answer here. So I go to stock chips and I have a lot to push. I fill up what I can on the shelf where I know by memory it goes and quickly scan it to check for other locations before backstocking. But I notice that on the primary location it says “10 fit 10 are here”, and there are only 5 bags of chips AFTER I filled it up with a couple of bags...

At this point, the appropriate thing for me to do is to change those counts to display what is literally in front of me, right? Or just change the fit number so that it says “5 fit, 10 are here”. I understand that it would be incorrect, but my thought process says that when I go to backstock those other bags, the system would take that extra 5 and locate it in the back wherever I put it? This is what’s confusing me.

I understand the basic part of stocking and just backstocking, as that is all my store teaches. But I feel like without some other steps, counts could potentially get really off? Am I wrong? Or is that someone’s job to go fix and I just need to do the basic steps lol.

I’m curious in understanding on a deeper level what the counts mean. If I say there are 50 bags of chips on the home location and promptly change it back to the correct amount, does anything internally happen? Are there red flags raised? Also, should the on hand amount in gray change? I’ve seen the on the floor + back numbers not come anywhere close to the on hand number and it’s confusing me.

Last thing I can think of. When those chips originally say “10 fit 10 here” and I change it after stocking a few to capacity at 5 and then change the numbers to reflect what it literally there, where do those extra 5 go the system thought it had? At this point nothing has been backstocked. Does it negatively affect the store in some way?
How organize are your backroom locations? You need to get truck done & backstock the items. You have not mentioned anything about new pogs, audits, or one for ones being done. There could be more than 1 location.
@allnew2, please assist.
hasn’t acknowledged the truck yet”
When truck gets acknowledged the no in inventory changes from on the way to delivered. Meaning your on hands will change.
The biggest question I have right now is regarding how many fit/how many are here when I’m stocking..
let’s take your example if 5 fit and 10 are there , then you would change the on floor count ( which is 10) and you backstock the 5 in audit which now should say 5 fit , 5 on the floor 5 in the back 10 on hand
Does that make sense? Also you should not push truck before one for one or before truck gets acknowledged because it’s possible to do double the work . Acknowledging truck is subtracting out from the 141 if same items are located in the back
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YES - always 1for1 BEFORE truck !!

Also: always finish backstock BEFORE changing counts OR add that number so they are not pushed out again.
in your example:
5 fit, you HAVE 10 On Hand - either put 10 here THEN backstock 5 - OR - backstock 5 THEN put 5 here
because if you put 5 here, and THEN backstock 5, the system will automatically send that 5 back OUT to fill the floor !
always want # On salesfloor PLUS # backstocked to EQUAL # On Hands 10+0=10 OR 5+5=10

‘keep you SFC and SFQ numbers correct!:
important to have your SFC - Sales floor CAPACITY(the number that FITS) correct - change under EXF
along with the SFQ - sales floor QUANTITY (the number that is actually there) - change under Audit
The # in backroom will be obvious to what is located back there and should always add to salesfloor to equal ON HAND #

when we started dropping 1 for 1’s the first thing I did was fix the salesfloor capacities To stop 60 of an item being pushed out when only 12 fit !
Then it took a bit longer but I eventually got all the SFQuantities fixed.
Fixing these will make pulling/pushing/backstocking more accurate and productive and save time in the long run.
@Hardlinesmaster Thank you for all of the info I’ve learned from your posts on here! It’s overwhelming and fascinating at the same time. The example I gave was meant to be imaginary. Obviously some do have multiple locations, but there are always a few in my shifts that match up to my example with only one location and the counts are wack.

To my understanding, my store started picking up in sales between 1-2 years ago, going from dead last in every metric in the district to, although it is very small, second in almost everything. That being said, long time tms and tls say that among all of the dramatic changes happening, the backroom has been the most obvious. Right now I’d say the backroom is staying about 80% empty EXCEPT for market which is a total and complete fucking mess. So for every other department, the 3-4 levels of shelving that are utilized are beautiful and organized. Market is ridiculous. Last, I didn’t mention audits or pogs because frankly, I’m not too keen on how that all fits in yet...

@Xanatos I thought that was the case. Excited for my first few inbound shifts, I read up on the process here a little and saw an order of operations that I think went “zone, one for ones, truck”? Of course backstocking inbetween those steps. Thing is I asked three different people all three mornings I worked, one was the inbound tl, if they would want me to zone and do one for ones first. They all said no you need to push the truck first. But everything I’ve read on TBR makes much more sense. I completely believe you when you say don’t change sfq before the truck is acknowledged, but what would exactly happen? Thank you!

@allnew2 got it. What exactly is the difference between changing the fit/here count in the audit app versus mywork? If I use the audit app to tell it those extra 5 don’t exist, would I get in trouble for creating a loss for the store?

It wouldn’t let me tag you so I had to quote lol. Thank you for that, you helped me understand this more! A similar problem that happens is when I pull a one for one batch and am pushing it, why would it want me to pull 5 of an item if 5 fit, BUT there are already 5 there? Does the batch take more than 5-10 minutes to establish itself as on the floor after completing the task in Move? I’m just confused why sometimes the system wants me to pull the full SFC number or close to it, but when I go scan the shelf label it says 5 fit 5 here. What the hell happened to the 5 that I just pulled? Does that mean the 5 that are already in the location were actually unlocated the whole time?
Also, those mornings I looked around and paid attention to what everyone else was doing and it looked like they were pushing truck. One guy told me the DBOs are responsible for pulling one for ones when they arrive, but that sounds like bullshit because they arrive anywhere from 7am to 1pm at my store
Per modernization, dbo's are supposed to pull 1 for 1's before doing the truck. Depends on your mgt directions for the day.
What stores SHOULD do and what they ACTUALLY do can be different. It seems like “coming clean from the truck” is old-school yet so ingrained that people still think that is the way it should be.
Modernization changed teams to DBO’s and also changed processes. The new process is supposed to eliminate unnecessary steps/save time and keep the Sales floor MORE full and backroom LESS full.
I had a DBO that didn’t drop 1:1 for a few days - only pushed truck and backstocked. Result - the backroom got jacked up and the 1:1 was in the thousands!

dropping and pulling 1:1 FIRST-
-fills the floor cause ALL SHOULD go out
-lightens the backroom
-puts the older stock out before the newer
-makes it easier for the next day
(Smaller 1:1)

If you push truck FIRST-
-you could push something that you will later pull From the backroom and have to backstock again
-You will be adding to the backroom And not removing from it - running out of backroom space and leaving floor empty

your answer to the 5-
Location empty -
5 on truck/5 in backroom =10 OH
You SHOULD Drop/pull/push 1:1. -
fill the location from backroom and backstock the ones off the truck.

BUT, if you push truck first - you fill the location and THEN pull more, location is now full and you have to backstock the same old ones you pulled.
got it. What exactly is the difference between changing the fit/here count in the audit app versus mywork? If I use the audit app to tell it those extra 5 don’t exist, would I get in trouble for creating a loss for the store?
Audit will change your on hands opposed to my work changing on the floor. .
If you use audit to change on hands you are telling the system that you don’t have those 5 and will get more on the next trucks.
You change in my work exf if the floor is empty will create a batch to pull from the back and fill the floor.
Changing on hands will affect the store including opu
I think you all have cleared this up for me, thank you! I’ll check on some things tonight and see what happens

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