Archived N03 pay increase at my store

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At my store they increased N03 pay by .25 an hour... I was originally hired in under a N03 position and later promoted to GSA, so I should be eligible for this raise right?? Otherwise a brand new cashier is basically negating an entire years worth of raises that I got....

Not to mention it basically makes the GSA pay increase only .25 from N03 instead of .50.... And I thought .50 was a joke.
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At my store they increased N03 pay by .25 an hour... I was originally hired in under a N03 position and later promoted to GSA, so I should be eligible for this raise right?? Otherwise a brand new cashier is basically negating an entire years worth of raises that I got....

Not to mention it basically makes the GSA pay increase only .25 from N03 instead of .50.... And I thought .50 was a joke.

Welcome to pay raises at Target.

Nope, as long as you are above the minimum starting pay of pay grade 3, you are screwed. Let me give you an example of how this works:

A TM named Tom starts working at Target in 2005. At the time, starting pay for his pay grade is $6.50/hour.

With raises, this is Tom's pay over the years.

2006: $6.72/hour
2007: $6.98/hour
2008: $7.24/hour
2009: $7.52/hour
2010: $7.71/hour
2011: $7.91/hour
2012: $8.13/hour

Now all of a sudden the state Tom lives in passes a new minimum wage law, and minimum wage in that state is now $8.00/hour.

A new TM just gets hired named Jack doing the same job as Tom. Jack makes $8.00/hour. Tom makes $8.13/hour. So even though Tom has worked at Target 8 years, and Jack has only worked at Target 1 day, Tom only makes 13 cents more than Jack.

That's how it works.

Gotta love Target.
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Has anyone ever worked at a job where they *don't* do it that way?

Worse for Jack, my minimum wage is higher than what he gets paid after 8 years. 😛
Theres going to be some major *****ing at my store if this is the case.... My fellow GSA said she got a .10 bump, so I better at least get SOMETHING....
You should only get a bump if you're making less than the new minimum. And you'll only get bumped to the new minimum. It happened when minimum wage was raised back in '08.
I think you mean "would". Everybody "should" get a wage increase (unless they're capped) when minimum wage goes up, because it effectively raises the base pay for all the paygrades. Unless Target would just let N03 be the same pay as N05 and so forth, but then thats completely stupid and pointless.

For example...

If N03 base pay is 7.50 (minimum wage), and N07 is 8.00, and minimum wage goes up to 7.75, then N07 should go up to 8.25 base pay... Otherwise they're being freaking morons, and yes I'm going to ***** endlessly about it to HR
What I should have said was "will" lol. I wish we all got a bump.
Has anyone ever worked at a job where they *don't* do it that way?

Worse for Jack, my minimum wage is higher than what he gets paid after 8 years. 😛

Hate to say this, but most jobs either start people out a few dollars over min wage or give serious raises.... so this type of issue really wouldn't affect them at all. Even wal-mart is usually a few dollars per hour more than Target for anyone who has been at wal-mart 2+ years.
Theres going to be some major *****ing at my store if this is the case.... My fellow GSA said she got a .10 bump, so I better at least get SOMETHING....

Well, get ready... because this is exactly how it works.

Your GSA probably made .10 cents less than her new pay grades minimum. So, say she is pay grade 5 (which I think GSAs are). Pay grade 5 at your store might now be, for example, $8/hour. If she was making 7.90/hour before, she gets bumped to 8 because that is the new minimum (starting) pay for her pay grade.
You'll only get an increase if you currently make less than the new start rate for GSAs. Otherwise, nnnnnnope. It sucks-- happened the same way at my store. Like someone else said, it really does happen at most companies... but it sure doesn't make it stink any less.

Real example, that makes me feel really bad.

I started in my "position" at Target 4 months ago. This position has me making $xx.74/hour. The other girl who shares the same position as me, but has been in this position for 4 years, just shared with me that she makes $xx.30/hour. Same position.... four years.... 56 cents. I feel like I deserve my pay rate, but I also feel like she deserves to be compensated for the years she's been working here, too!
I think the other GSA was under the base pay for starting GSAs i guess, shes only been with target for a year so thats probably why.

i'm considerably over the GSA start rate, but I still wouldnt say my pay is "good" lol.
Has anyone ever worked at a job where they *don't* do it that way?

Worse for Jack, my minimum wage is higher than what he gets paid after 8 years. 😛

I worked at a grocery store for a few years when Minnesota's minimum wage went up from 6.15 to 7.75... Bumped me up from our pay cap of 13.25 to 14.85. It wasn't 100% kosher since the cap was still oficially 13.25 so if you weren't capped yet or were just hired you wouldn't make what those of us who had hit the cap were making. Luckily I benefited from that!
I think Target needs to look at the cost of living and start paying us more as we work our butts off for what a small raise that can not even be noticed on our checks.
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