Need Feedback.

Jun 21, 2020
Hi Y'all. I'm a service and engagement team leader. I've been one for about 6 months now and I know I want to move up because I know that I can do more as a leader than just run and manage the front. I'm currently in school for a communications degree so I can become a better leader. I'm the kind of person who actually enjoys my job and I don't have many negative things to say about Target. But I just need feedback and honesty when it comes to development. I've had open conversations with my SD, DSD, ETL, ETL-HR, and co TL about my development. I am crushing running the front. I've improved the metrics (NPS, Drive up time, (we are also in charge of flex) UPH, INF, RTS, EVERYTHING). I actually take feedback and apply it to my team. I build them up and do what is best for them. I know I am a good leader, but when we have development talks, my ETL is hesitant to say anything. He says I'll get there someday but Target will take me and move me when Target needs me. I'm my ETL's backfill, I feel like he's not developing me because he wants me to stay at my store when really I want to go back to my old Target and ETL there. What do you think? Think I'll be getting that promotion at 18 months or will it be a few years? In your experience what is climbing this ladder-like?
He says I'll get there someday but Target will take me and move me when Target needs me. I'm my ETL's backfill, I feel like he's not developing me because he wants me to stay at my store when really I want to go back to my old Target and ETL there. What do you think?
I’m surprised your ETL is this transparent about what is going on, and I think you are very perceptive concerning his plans. I think your ETL will keep you where you are as long as possible because you are doing a good job and he doesn’t want to lose you. Spot is great at dangling the carrot, but not always so great at delivering on promises made. “Someday” to Spot can be anywhere from tomorrow to the 12th of Never, generally trending more toward the far end of the scale. Good luck, I hope it works out for you.
It sounds like you can run the front end in your sleep, so I wonder how much you're really growing right now as a leader? It might be a good idea to move to a GMTL, FBTL, STL, or CTL at your store, if you can. Working in a different role will stretch your comfort zone and give you an opportunity to shine in a way that your leadership team hasn't seen from you. This would also put you under a different ETL's alignment, so they can help develop you since your current ETL isn't doing it.

Target seems to have ridiculously high standards for internal ETL promotions, so anything you can do to enhance your skillset and gain some extra visibility will be key!

I'm working towards a promotion myself, so this is just my opinion. I'm not an ETL or SD, so it's hard to know what those closed door conversations about TL talent development really look like.
There aren’t really remodels happening right now due to COVID however remodel TL is a great way to move up so I would see if you can pursue something like that when remodels start back up

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