Archived need some advice here

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Jan 7, 2014
so my dad's birthday is on the 4th of july and we have reservations at a really nice place to eat only problem is my request to get it off got denied due to the only other cart attendant we have that can close already got it off and i said in my request the reason i needed it off among talking to my LOD after it got denied so if i call out they will know why, so im wondering what could possibly happen if i just call off anyways to be with my dad on his birthday
Maybe write you up? Or, they could mess with your hours (cut them alot or give you too many). You could offer to come in AFTER your dinner.

My personal thinking is don't worry about first. As far as Target is concerned all TMs are expendable so unless you are looking to make Target a long term career, don't worry about it. Afterall, you're a CA, not an hospital ER worker, or a firefighter. And really, your store shouldn't be that busy on the evening of the 4th.
I would do what you need to do. Family is important . You put in for the date off and it was denied...which isn't your fault. Hope your dad has a great birthday!
Interesting responses. I guess it's cool for any TM to call out because it's a holiday and they want to be with their family?

I guess the TM's who don't have a family can cover their shifts.
i would come after my dinner but i likely wont be back home until 9:30 or later that night and we close at 11 so there wouldnt be much point to do so
You could get put on call out probation as my store calls it. One of the guys I work with tried to get off for a family wedding, it was denied so he called out two days for it anyways, they knew and they put him on a probation where he can't call out again for months or he will be written up. From what I've seen though, most stores get mad and tell you no but as soon as you call out they mark it down and move on to yelling at people about new stuff. It's not likely something they'll remember to care about by the 5th.

BUT keep in mind you are fucking over your co-workers depending on your position. When people call out in Backroom since we only have 1-2 people working at a time, it can really ruin everyone elses day. So you have to decide if the dinner is worth making everyone else's night worse. Your dad can still go to dinner with you on the 3rd or 5th. It's just not the day his your grandma pushed him out.
Just call in or put it on the swap shift and try and get someone else to cover it. I'm pretty sure that day you get holiday pay, so you could use that as a selling point. If you do end up calling in, 4th of July is dead at night anyway (at least at my store).
Just call out your store will function fine without you. The worse they could do assuming your not in a final or anything is give you a PDD on attendance which is no big deal
Interesting responses. I guess it's cool for any TM to call out because it's a holiday and they want to be with their family?

I guess the TM's who don't have a family can cover their shifts.
The OP wasn't/isn't planning on calling out because the 4th of July is a just happens to be the day of their fathers Birthday. WHICH they asked off for and it was denied. So, other than putting up a swap shift requests it sounds like they did everything they could . If the tm wants to call out that's their right to do so.
Tell them now you have tried to request off, you tried to find coverage and were not able. Therefore you are calling out for that shift now. Don't tell then you don't be there, just say "unfortunately I will be unable to be here that day so I am informing you now. When they schedule you, remind them again, and then call the day before to again remind them.

You aren't screwing your coworkers, you gave them a month to figure it out, at that point your etl is the one screwing people.
My daughter's birthday is also July 4th so I get where you are coming from. Can your family possibly change from dinner to lunch plans? That way you can still do both? I know I'm trying to be flexible and encouraging my daughter (who will be turning 14 and isn't as accommodating as maybe a 50/60 year old father...) to be flexible as well.
i would do that but usually i work from 2:30 till close and for a lot of the week so im really at a loss here and at my store there is literally only 2 cart attandants that have training enough to close and the other also asked off thats why they denied me because he put it in first
Just call out. Half the store will anyways on the forth. But keep in mind that day would be a super easy shift to work.
I've worked my birthday, my anniversary, major holidays, etc. I've even worked doubles or open to close on some of them. While these special days are marked on a calendar they don't require celebrating on that day, especially if it falls in the middle if a work week. I personally wouldn't call out, but I would have also made damn sure I put in for a national holiday off months in advance. Then followed up every month, then every week the last month before that schedule. Because it mattered to me, and it's too much for the hr team to pay attention to the red bar that shows scheduled outside of availability for the one day you requested off all year.

I don't like when tms call out for such things, because I'd never put my team in that spot for something like dinner. The only last minute call outs or schedule changes I ask for are medical in nature and my job doesn't leave the same whole/ I can just swap shift times.

But I come from a military/ law enforcement family. It's my job to ring out holiday sales/ watch out for you so that you can enjoy the holiday. I'll celebrate when I can. Or not. I take time to celebrate the everyday so I have no regrets.
Definitely try and ask and see if someone will work for you yes it'll be hard since it's fourth of july but try try try! Last Last resort is calling off.
The schedule for the 4th isn't out at my store yet so I am assuming it isn't out for your store either. Even though your request off wasn't approved you could always speak to the person making the schedule and explain the situation to see if they will work around it. You can also tell them you are willing to work the first part of the day so that way from their point of view you're trying to help them if they help you.

You said your one of two that is trained enough to close and the other requested off. But are there special tasks that the closing cart attendants do that the opening CA don't do? If there are special things that need to be done to close there are two weeks for another cart attendant can be shown how to close.
Who cares if your coworkers have it harder. Do they care about you when they call out? No. You gave the job proper notice, it's retail, not rocket science. Enjoy your day off with your dad, you're probably making peanuts as a CA anyway
This is why you don't "ask" for days off that you actually need off. You only ask, if it's just something you want. If you need the day off, you make it clear that you can't come in. What if you had non refundable plane tickets?

Of course, you're not entitled to have the day off and they can still say "no" either way. But, it's not like you can't call out either. The responsible thing to do would be to tell them in advance that you can't work that day, and won't be able to come in. It's better than calling in the day of, pretending to be sick. I would tell them that too. Say, "I'd rather just tell you now, rather than call out later."
Oh no, if you call in the LODs might just have to go retrieve carts! :D You informed then long enough in advance man, it's not like you're calling out to go party. It's family, morally speaking family comes first. It's not going to get you fired. It's their own fault for not helping you. I know damn well if an upper mgmt needed the day off for that it'd be no issue. They could find somebody if they really wanted to. Go spend time with your dad! He's not gonna be here one day.
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