Archived New dress code?

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I will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER tuck in my shirt. Like someone else said, It won't be pretty.... I'd have to quit.
I did tuck in my polo once.

My TL promptly told me I looked like a nerd and asked me to un-tuck it.

I have a couple of the small size C9 TM polos, and they fit me rather well. I've been mistaken for the LOD while wearing them 😀
As a log tl, when I'm lod I wear a tucked polo or button down. Any other day its a T-shirt. Way too much lifting and bending for it to be feasible. Try making a bale with a tucked in shirt.
When I was a team lead I used to tuck in my shirt because it did look better. Once I demoted myself I untucked that thing right away! They tried to force me to tuck it back in and I told them no and that if the women can pull the "its a style so it doesnt need to be tucked in" crap I could as well. Needless to say they shut up once I started throwing sexual discrimination terms out there =)
I have a couple of polos that look much better tucked in. The material is also much thinner than most polo shirts so heat isn't much of a problem. As far as my tshirts go, always untucked and good luck getting logistics to follow any such nonsense.
Shiiiit. Girls at my store wear pink and orange shirts, I highly doubt they'll try to start enforcing tucked in shirts when they don't enforce the color part of it.

Tucked in shirts do look better, when I see untucked I think wal-mart.

Also, we have plenty of team members that wear black/plaid/NOT RED cardigans/jackets over their red shirt and not shit is said to them.
How about the employees that have friggin logos and nothing is said to them. How about enforcing something Target?! I swear Target dress code is so relaxed I really can't stand it sometimes. I wear khaki pants and red polo untucked because polos aren't supposed to be tucked anyway. Don't get me started on people buttoning the top button on a polo shirt, unbutton it now. The dress code is easy khaki and red, if your a TL definitely tucked in you're a manager, otherwise red and khaki. Target is too relaxed letting people get away with black pants and shirts of different color and give them a red vest. What happened to the dress code?!
How about the employees that have friggin logos and nothing is said to them. How about enforcing something Target?! I swear Target dress code is so relaxed I really can't stand it sometimes. I wear khaki pants and red polo untucked because polos aren't supposed to be tucked anyway. Don't get me started on people buttoning the top button on a polo shirt, unbutton it now. The dress code is easy khaki and red, if your a TL definitely tucked in you're a manager, otherwise red and khaki. Target is too relaxed letting people get away with black pants and shirts of different color and give them a red vest. What happened to the dress code?!

Depends, if you live in some states Spot can't enforce it without taking the risk of having to pay their TMs for the clothes.
They can strongly encourage it and I suspect in some stores that's what's happening.
The ETL's have decided to pick their battles and not worry much about the uniforms.
While at the OPs store you have some marionette who figures that everyone looks brand the store will look brand.
Good luck with that.
I figured it wasn't a corporate policy even though they tried to tell us it was, but yeah the backroom isn't too happy plus they are only really enforcing the rule on males which is the bigger problem. Then they also told us we would be written up if we didn't smile.
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