Archived New Electronics Merchandise?

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Electronics Man

Electronics Team Member
Jun 14, 2011
So this week now just about every camera we have is now either clearanced out or is on d-code. The problem is we haven't received any NEW product yet, and we are running out of cameras to sell!

I have no Nikon's at all, I have very few Canon's, and very few Sony's. All I have left really are Kodaks and DSLRs. The cases look horrible, and it's to the point where my STL had me flex in SLR product into the other cases just to make them "look" better. Anyone else having this problem? I know we are in yearly transition, but this is ridiculous! I don't remember it being this bad last year.

The same really with TV's, no new TV's in yet, and I don't have anything in the 40-46 inch range in stock. Just 32 LCD's and 55 Plasmas. It's really hard to keep scores up when nothing is in stock.
Same problem here. The TL's, LOD's, and ETL's keep telling me to just flex everything and make it all look full. Well there hits a point where it just doesn't work. Especially for games right now, a majority of the holes that I fill are with COD MW3 or Halo 3 because we have so many in backstock and we need to get rid of them, but when you have 5 to 7 facings of the same two games for each game system, it looks ridiculous.
My guess is, that there will be major changes in electonics. I think the boat will reduced or removed, apple, tablets/e-books, or an interactive gaming areas will be added. Cameras will be moved to a 4 ft section, with a limited selection.
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Same problem here! Yesterday I got yelled at by 2 different guests because we were out of every camera they even thought about buying. It makes us look bad when we have literally next to nothing to offer them. Anyone know when the next camera set is supposed to be rolling into stores? Sounds like it's getting rough all over for everyone.
My guess is, that there will be major changes in electonics. I think the boat will reduced or removed, apple, tablets/e-books, or an interactive gaming areas will be added. Cameras will be moved to a 4 ft section, with a limited selection.

Is there something on Workbench already or is that your guess?

Same problem here! Yesterday I got yelled at by 2 different guests because we were out of every camera they even thought about buying. It makes us look bad when we have literally next to nothing to offer them. Anyone know when the next camera set is supposed to be rolling into stores? Sounds like it's getting rough all over for everyone.

Wow, so it isn't just me then. I wonder what the heck is going on?

I already knew about Kodak, though I wonder what we will replace them with, more Fuji's maybe? Hopefully not Casio or Olympus again, ugh.
E-man, I was reading about all the new gadgets shown at consumer electronics show & had passing thought on the way to work today. My store has very few cameras too.
it may look like this.


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Oh yeah we've had the setup in that picture for a long time now.
This happens every year, it's just the awkward limbo between the old models going out and the sparse availability of new. Usually, the new models of cameras come out in the middle of March into April, and TVs April into May. Target just clearances out way too early for my opinion.
I did research today and we have about 2 Cannons and 1 Nikon. No Sony what so ever, but plenty of Kodak and some DSLRs. Video games cases are horrible. I got MW3 in so many facings it almost looks like all we sell is just that one game. I think they started d coding elec. stuff way to early this year. We have a new ETL - HL at my store and he keeps harking on our Att. score, but its annoying when we don't have anything to freaking sell in the first place.
The next camera set for my store is 3/11. I've already gotten a couple cameras in that I immediately threw on posts (Nikon L26, a Sony Handycam, and one more that I can't remember).
This happens every year, it's just the awkward limbo between the old models going out and the sparse availability of new. Usually, the new models of cameras come out in the middle of March into April, and TVs April into May. Target just clearances out way too early for my opinion.

I know we are in the limbo period, but this is ridiculous! Last year wasn't THIS bad IMHO.

The next camera set for my store is 3/11. I've already gotten a couple cameras in that I immediately threw on posts (Nikon L26, a Sony Handycam, and one more that I can't remember).

You mean the new HD Handycam that feels like junk? Yeah we just got that one in and threw that one up immediately as well. Not the L26 though, will be looking for that one.
A sales rep for Philips came by the store today and told me that the current 32" LCD Philips is going to carry forward and that the DCs should be receiving product from China "probably today or tomorrow." He also mentioned that on his last trip to HQ that Target is going to be carrying a 60" Sharp for $1499. He then said we were gonna have fun putting it up on the TV wall. Hah!

Also, anybody out there with a camera boat revision for the 11th, have you gotten any smart cables at all?
Also, anybody out there with a camera boat revision for the 11th, have you gotten any smart cables at all?

We have a camera boat revision for the 11th as well. We have every camera but one Nikon. We haven't received any smart cables but we actually only need about 2 because we already had most of them for the cameras already. We NEVER get rid of the smart cables. We have so many of them. An Elec. TM and I already put out all of the new cameras that we have because, otherwise, the boat would be near empty. He had all the smart cables sprawled out on the floor as he checked every single one. It was fun. ish. But we would rather have a full displayed boat!
We have a camera boat revision for the 11th as well. We have every camera but one Nikon. We haven't received any smart cables but we actually only need about 2 because we already had most of them for the cameras already. We NEVER get rid of the smart cables. We have so many of them. An Elec. TM and I already put out all of the new cameras that we have because, otherwise, the boat would be near empty. He had all the smart cables sprawled out on the floor as he checked every single one. It was fun. ish. But we would rather have a full displayed boat!

That sounds wonderful. Unless I am the one removing display cameras, you can almost always count on somebody throwing them away not realizing they carry forward.
I realize this is probably a dumb question but what is a smart cable? I work in electronics but we have never used any cables with our cameras aside from taking them out of the showcase to charge once a month. Thanks for the input in advance!
I realize this is probably a dumb question but what is a smart cable? I work in electronics but we have never used any cables with our cameras aside from taking them out of the showcase to charge once a month. Thanks for the input in advance!

The smart cable is what gives the camera power when it is on the post in the camera boat. It consists of usually a dummy battery/usb connector on one end (depending on the camera its for) and the other side plugs in to the side of the post.

Does your store really take the cameras off to charge and completely disregards the convenience of the smart cable?
We actually have never had smart cables at our electronics boat because our cameras aren't on posts, they are on individual stands/holders. I'm told that because we are a ULV that we aren't a priority to get smart cable hookups for our cameras anytime soon. We are doing it old school from the sound of it. From the sound of smart cables I really wish we had them! It would be so much simpler!
Sounds to me like you guys are talking about two different boats. The one without the smart cables is the glass boat where the cams are stored inside it and the one with the smart cables is the boat where the cams are on top of the boat where the guests can actually touch them without having to call someone over to unlock the case for them.
He also mentioned that on his last trip to HQ that Target is going to be carrying a 60" Sharp for $1499. He then said we were gonna have fun putting it up on the TV wall. Hah!

Also, anybody out there with a camera boat revision for the 11th, have you gotten any smart cables at all?

I've been hearing about a 60" TV since before the TV wall remodel, so I won't believe it until I see it. As for smart cables, it was on message board yesterday that they should be coming in soon.

That sounds wonderful. Unless I am the one removing display cameras, you can almost always count on somebody throwing them away not realizing they carry forward.

We keep all our smart cables, have a whole box of 'em.

Sounds to me like you guys are talking about two different boats. The one without the smart cables is the glass boat where the cams are stored inside it and the one with the smart cables is the boat where the cams are on top of the boat where the guests can actually touch them without having to call someone over to unlock the case for them.

I think that would drive me nuts, so glad we have the newer style boat.

Anyways we have pretty much most of the new camera's now set up. I like the new Samsung with the wi-fi built in, it's a pretty cool concept! TV's are starting to trickle in too! Now our Apple rep on his last trip here said we were supposed to be getting a bunch of Apple TV's. We are talking actual televisions, not the little Apple TV boxes. he said something about 3 different sizes, including a huge 70 or 80 inch TV, which I have to take with a grain of salt, as he says stuff that I never see happen half the time.
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How old is your store?

We opened in 2000, I'm told we have a floor setup that is no longer used by Target. We are a D-volume ULV store with annual sales of about 15 million. I've asked if a remodel is ever in the cards for our store or at least electronics boat and I've been told ULV stores are usually very low priority for any upgrades, anyone else at a ULV store that could tell me what kind of an electronics boat setup they have? Just curious to see how rare the old boat style we use is. We also have dump bins behind the elctronics registers that used to be used for photo when we did take in and send out pictures for photo processing that we now use for NOP and D-coded games. Love this site, it's such a great resource!!
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