Archived New ETL Hire

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I guess that's the 'ideal' definition but at my store it has a more sinister meaning.

We have a coaching binder, and i understtand the term of coaching within target. They're all about that right now.

In my casual conversation with my trainer though, it was the ideal definition. If that's the word she even used.
Don’t get discouraged. My store is sort of the “non-official training store” in the district, we usually have one or 2 trainees a month here. You sound like you already have a pretty good grasp on learning your position, but over the course of a couple weeks the long hours will wear on you. I haven’t met an ETL trainee who didn’t second guess them selves after doing back-to-back 10-12 hour closing shifts for a few days straight. It takes some time to adjust to the wacky schedule and around the 5th/6th week is usually where the “this job is fuckin nuts” comments come out lol.

Be fair, be understanding, and set goals to accomplish everyday. Work on not having an “us vs them” mentality towards normal TMs, it can be a pain in the ass when you’re getting harped on by the district but TMs are feeling it too indirectly through the leadership team.

If you’re reaching out here for opinions and questions then you probably have a better head on your shoulders than others. Oh, and external hired ETLs tend to get a bad rap here but don’t mind the naysayers.
My training store is still on the overnight schedule, soon to change. The store I will be assigned to is already on the 4am schedule.

I understand the nonsense of this, but am also looking for advice to be SUCCESSFUL, not just the shit I will have to deal with.
To be successful, you need to lead by example. get to know your people and be willing to help at times and stern at others.

Always communicate. We all hate the huddles but they are actually damn important especially if you are going to GE ETL (seriously a 50 mil store should have a A&A ETL)

Trust your oldbies that care. All stores have them even if its one or two.

Remember that alot of people here are angry at spot because they stores are the 5th level of hell. Mine isn't. Its good RIGHT NOW. Our STL got promoted because we doubled sales last year. Good luck and God speed.
Don't micromanage your team. Trust them to do the tasks you assign and don't ask them "where they are on that task" and waste their time. Physically go check up on them, even if all you do is eyeball them from 100' away. Don't run the store from your walkie. Learn the TM you can leave alone and learn the ones who need extra supervision.

And don't run the store from your walkie!

Did I already say that?
Kartman can you come to my store and tell my HR ETL this. Please? Thanks.
Please don't basically shut down walkie traffic for 5min for a redcard or "let's get out by 10:15!" spiel. Please don't let the fact that Spot calls assistant managers "executives" get to your head to the point that you embroider "SPOT EXECUTIVE" on your jacket, like one of our ETLs did.
Can you post a pic of this. I have to see this. if you do I will show you even better on one of mine.
Awesome seeing it three times in a row... AWESOME!
Just ask questions and take notes you’ll be fine throughout your business college experience. Try to create a good relationship with your STL when you get to your homestore as they can truly impact your development if they care enough to. Partner with ETL HR to learn how to best manage things that you’ll control in your store like compliance and development of your team. I also would highly recommend a weekly status with your ETL AP. When I was ETL SF I started statusing with him weekly to ensure we were on the same page and I could look out for ops on the floor with merch protection, theft trends, etc.

Ultimately it really is what you make it. Make friends here and find out who you can vent to because you’re bound to have some shitty days and you’re going to want to bitch to someone who understands. It’s not going to be sunshine and rainbows all the time, but I really enjoy it.

As an ETL you’re always going to have a lot on your plate just make sure especially while you’re still new communicate when you need help otherwise they’ll expect you know what you’re doing.
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