New Food & Beverage Team Leader

Don't rush the trucks. Please give your morning team more time on truck days than on other days. Don't make the night team pick up the slack. Also don't drink the the koolaid. Do try to help them with the work and do not give unrealistic expectations to your team. Make sure someone on the team has keys to compactor and baler whether it be you or someone else. One does not want wait for a leader to come and open it up they could be waiting 20 minutes or more. Give hours to your team.
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Don't rush the trucks. Please give your morning team more time on truck days than on other days. Don't make the night team pick up the slack. Also don't drink the the koolaid. Do try to help them with the work and do not give unrealistic expectations to your team. Make sure someone on the team has keys to compactor and baler whether it be you or someone else. One does not want wait for a leader to come and open it up they could be waiting 20 minutes or more. Give hours to your team.
Unfortunately none of that is in control of the market tl. People have to be held accountable to what spot deems enough time because that is all we get. Its extremely stressful because my success as the tl depends entirely on my team members. Also if you want to work out as a tl you absolutely have to drink the koolaid so to speak, but don't be surprised if you have to jump in and just get stuff done too. I have high expectations, but as the tl i try and work harder then all of my team members, how else can i expect them to work hard for me. I want to end it with a good luck its a very challenging job but tbh i like being busy and enjoy the challenge, most days 😋
Say no to vendors. Please, just say no. Order only to planogram and accept certain displays around major holidays or if it's like one of your top 5 sellers. Don't say yes to something that's going to sit in your back room forever.

Figure out your FDC schedule. Do you get everything everyday, or is there only like one or two days out of the week where you get all of frozen, produce, dairy. You need to fight for your schedule on your biggest FDC days and compromise when it's not.
My experiance from working in market,dont micromanage your good tms. And please,for the love of god get rid of bad performers. It just pisses off the others watch a lazy person just slide though. And be an example to your team as well.
A few things I learned in my time as a TL in Consumables pre and during Modernization, (1) Get a sense of your team then put them in the DBO that best suits their strengths. (2) Don’t be afraid to speak to your ETL/SD if you need extra hours. If you can speak to why and show them, sometimes it comes in handy. (3) Dates Dates Dates... Fresh Fresh Fresh. Stress the importance of the cull and FEFO.
Do you have Starbucks as well?

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