New hire questions

Sep 26, 2022
I'm applying to work at a Target DC as a warehouse associate, and have a few questions about the job.
1. I'm applying for the night shift. From what I know about the job, the schedule would be either 4pm-2am or 6pm-6am. I would prefer to work 4pm-2am, as it would allow me to maintain a better sleep schedule. If I am hired for that shift, would that mean that I never have to work the 6pm-6am shift?
2. The job is full time so I'm assuming I am guaranteed 40 hours per week + whatever OT opportunities are available? And how much OT is usually offered throughout the year, would I be able to pick up a consistent amount of OT shifts?
3. I'm hoping to start as a warehouse associate, and within 9-12 months switch to the position of a warehouse worker. However, I've never operated any machinery (forklift, PIT, etc.) before. How difficult would that job be to learn for someone with no experience in that part of the warehouse?
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You will be given a key either Tuesday to Friday 4pm to 2am for 40 hours or the weekend key Saturday to Monday 6pm to 6am for 36 hours but at a higher pay rate.
This will be you permanent schedule. You can ask to changed your schedule or job after your six months.
Any overtime will be on the other key’s schedule.

All DCs are different for how much overtime is available or required.
As your DC is hiring, I would hope plenty of OT is available. My DC has not forced schedules of less than 40/36 hours in years and some overtime has been available most weeks.

Don’t worry about the PIT training too much. There are plenty of departments in the DC that require minimal PIT use with plenty of training. You can decide when you get to that point what department suits your skills.
1. Any OT shift would still be on the 6p-6a schedule. You can volunteer for 6p-12a, but usually mandatory OT is the full shift.
2. You aren’t guaranteed 40hrs, but the likelihood of them forcing you to work less has been very slim in my experience. With the state of everything now (sales, staff, etc,), my opinion is that after Xmas it’s gonna get ugly, but wtf do I know?
3. OT is currently sporadic at best, there are simply too many employees for the workload.
All of that is just my opinion/observation from my building though, different buildings may be in different situations.
While there is nothing wrong with Packing (Warehouse Associate) if part of you wants to become a Warehouse Worker after awhile anyway, I would strongly suggest just doing that.

The equipment is very easy to use. They are all stand-up. Most of them just have two sticks to control, one in each hand. One turns you, the other makes you go forward or backward.
And you use the equipment so much you will quickly become proficient.

My 2 cents is that while 4p to 2am sounds better than the 6p to 6a, I actually have found the 6p to 6a to be much better overall. So dont be top afraid of it if thats the one you get.
Not all DC have the same schedules, some have OT, while others barely work their usual weekly scheduled hours. My DC last week was VLE like crazy, even though it was the days leading up to Black Friday. Overstaffing is a huge issue right now at ours, yet we hear others are being forced to 60s. It is the rare TM in our building that consistently works a true 36 or 40. Of course, our call ins are out of control, so I’m sure come Jan there will some slimming down based on performance outs.
You will be given a key either Tuesday to Friday 4pm to 2am for 40 hours or the weekend key Saturday to Monday 6pm to 6am for 36 hours but at a higher pay rate.
The job application states the pay for the night shift is $22.85. Are you saying I would get paid less than this if I worked 4pm-2am?
The quote should be base pay. Some keys get a shift differential added to your base pay, weekend nights generally being the highest.
As all DCs are different I can’t say what the base at your DC is.
The job application states the pay for the night shift is $22.85. Are you saying I would get paid less than this if I worked 4pm-2am?
No he’s saying that the weekend shift makes more because they work 36 hours instead of 40. The shift you’re referring to 4pm - 2am is B2 and is actually the highest paid shift generally speaking
The quote should be base pay
This is what the job application states:
Warehouse Associate Wages of $20.35 to $22.85 */hr. based on shift
So I'm assuming if I was on the B2 shift (4pm - 2am) I would receive $22.85? And also, I can't choose which shift I'm placed on (B2 or A2)?
Your offer letter should answer all your questions, so read it. It will spell out which shift and wage you agree to when accepting. The application is not a job offer. If you don’t like What is offered, you can always decline. No one on here is going to know what was offered to you.
$22.85 would probably be weekend shift, B2 would be in the middle of the range somewhere.
I haven’t seen the application, I thought you could rank preference for shift or something, but I haven’t personally seen it.
This is what the job application states:
Warehouse Associate Wages of $20.35 to $22.85 */hr. based on shift
So I'm assuming if I was on the B2 shift (4pm - 2am) I would receive $22.85? And also, I can't choose which shift I'm placed on (B2 or A2)?
B2 is probably the $22.85. Probably. It’s generally the highest in the range if not the highest. If it isn’t it will be a slightly below but not significantly so

And you don’t technically choose your shift. They’ll ask you what your shift preferences are in ranked order. Then they’ll make an offer based on that. So if B2 is your #1 and they have a need they’ll offer it. But there are no guarantees as they’ll offer based on needs

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