Archived New in Flex and I hate it - can I switch departments?

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Why is it stressful ? Flex fill is probably the easiest task. And if you gonna tell me softlines is killing you then you didn’t get the proper training . Keep in mind my store has an off-site , so my opu members have to go an extra step to find the items . They don’t find it stressful , they have 20 minutes to pick the items , after 20 minutes has passed and they can’t find it , they come to me ,I’m their TL and I take over . As for softlines you have an rfid gun so it shouldn’t be harder but in fact easier.

I work in a shit show. Softlines isn't the problem, its the pallets and pallets and pallets, tubs, U-boats, carts and shopping carts full of product everywhere to the point you can't fucking move in the stockrooms, and a batch takes 45min to pull since you have move 10-15 vehicles to get to the stuff that actually has locations repeat that for every single location.

There are locations you can't physically get to since they have double stacked pallets down the aisles in receiving so all your plastics, paper and furniture now have to be faked out so you can steal them from the floor if they are still on the floor. So you note what you have to cancel when you go to pack if the floor is empty. No you are not allowed to move the pallets - there is nowhere to move them.

Then you can search around like trying to find a needle in a hurricane, for your list cause nothing is located, or its empty and on some random vehicle somewhere. Then there are supposed to be two of you scheduled and one gets pulled by your STL to pull all the batches he dropped for his projects then has the fucking gall to ask why you didn't finish when you are doing %250 over forecast..

That's why it's stressful.
How would you rank the departments from most to least stressful?
Actually what I want to ask is why you feel its stressful. Are you struggling with OPU? Is it that you can't find things quickly. Its it the fact you have no help or struggle with packing? Like everyone said there is no stress free job in target.
I think it's the time I have to complete the batches. I know they said to ask for help when I need it. but my speed just isn't there. And then when something isn't on the shelf and I spend 20 minutes looking on the floor and backroom it's aggravating.
price change is cool i mean the only part that is stressful is the labels part when you scan labels and change the price of products but ticketing is fun!

Depending on your store it is just as stressful as flex. I went from Flex to price change last year after the holidays, different tasks but still under time constraints and still full of stress.

Give flex some time, it's hard to start there if you have never worked in Target (BTDT) but trust me you will get used to it. Once you get the locations down and the pacing it gets better, and always ask for help from other departments. The Softlines or Price Accuracy team members can be great assets when looking for softlines, and same with the hardlines team members.
flexible fulfillment is something you have to get used to. two shifts is not enough.

softlines pricing is something I would never wish on anyone. all the workload of the price change team, plus sales goals and at the drop of a hat you can be pulled from your task to cover the fitting room or start working z racks of reshop.
flexible fulfillment is something you have to get used to. two shifts is not enough.

softlines pricing is something I would never wish on anyone. all the workload of the price change team, plus sales goals and at the drop of a hat you can be pulled from your task to cover the fitting room or start working z racks of reshop.

Welcome to SL's!!! Don't forget pushing truck, merchandising, then backstocking and doing POG's. And they wonder why SL's doesn't volunteer quickly to backup cashier, lol. That being said, I don't think very many stores have fully integrated pricing into their E2E process. Every TM should be pricing so it gets done a lot quicker. We haven't tackled that quite yet. The TM that has always done SL pricing is just scheduled under SL's but doesn't do the other stuff.

I had to hold myself back from laughing at a post on another thread that said SL's would be boring.
Depending on your store it is just as stressful as flex. I went from Flex to price change last year after the holidays, different tasks but still under time constraints and still full of stress.

Give flex some time, it's hard to start there if you have never worked in Target (BTDT) but trust me you will get used to it. Once you get the locations down and the pacing it gets better, and always ask for help from other departments. The Softlines or Price Accuracy team members can be great assets when looking for softlines, and same with the hardlines team members.

This, there is one softlines girl who used to do pricing so I know she knows her shit. I buy her coffee every now and then just so I have some credit when I ask where this or that is. Cause softlines moves so much at least my store it does.
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