First, the update thus far has removed the ability to defect items at the service desk because all registers are the same (hooray) so now the service desk "advocates" literally cant function without a zebra.
Also, returns are now a nightmare with no receipt which is honestly at least half of them if not more, because if the item is missed salvage or online only instead of prompting "how much is this" it auto denies them.
Another issue, the tiny UPC barcode on the shipping/stocking stickers on larger items now prompts "how much is this" instead of ringing up the item? Not a huge deal except on very bulky/heavy items where the barcode is on the bottom of the item.
No current way to log items into empty packaging? Well there's a binder but they rarely go through that stuff as it is so that's going to seriously hurt our inventory if there's not a way to put it into the system. INF city right there.
Lastly. How the monkey do we close our boxes now? Because the barcodes stopped working so we've been on like 3 days without closing them
TLDR; Target has made the service desk impossible. How can we advocate for the guest if nothing even works?