Archived New Sales Floor TM

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Sep 14, 2012
Hello Spot Fans, I have my orientation Thursday. The way you all make it sound like hell has me chomping at the bit to experience this for myself.

I'm curious, how long did it take you to memorize the store layout? I was in Target the other day, and a customer asked a seasonal trainee where something was. The trainee said they were still being trained and weren't sure, the customer seemed pissed.

I'm worried. :search:
Greetings and salutations.
It does take a little time to get things down but don't worry it comes faster then you might think.
If all else fails use a walkie to reach out to other TMs.
You really can't let the guest (we're not supposed to call them customers -- don't get me started on that one) feel like you're not going to make the effort to find what they need.
Welcome 57821!! Don't worry, you'll learn the store layout relatively quickly. It really is not hell all the time...only sometimes, um, well, more than sometimes....hahaha. Best of luck. :excited:
Welcome to The Break Room! If you don't know where something is, don't be afraid to ask another TM, either via walkie or if they happen to be nearby. Also, don't forget about those department signs hanging from the ceiling! If you can find the general area, you should be able to find the item by walking those aisles. Any guest with a heart will appreciate your effort.

(we're not supposed to call them customers -- don't get me started on that one)

We don't use the C word at Target.
Name's Andrew, I've recently stumbled upon this site after looking for memes about Target (hilarious btw!), I've been with my Target for a little over a year and a half. I pretty much do everything from my main job as a cashier to anything Food Avenue, cart jockey, and etc. I will literally be thrown into any work area without being trained but I'm a fast learner.
Name's Andrew, I've recently stumbled upon this site after looking for memes about Target (hilarious btw!), I've been with my Target for a little over a year and a half. I pretty much do everything from my main job as a cashier to anything Food Avenue, cart jockey, and etc. I will literally be thrown into any work area without being trained but I'm a fast learner.

Welcome to The Break Room!

With particular emphasis on the "with a heart" part...
Orientation was a bit long, but I enjoyed it. I got a free Starbucks.

My first day is Sunday. I know to go in through the Team Member entrance etc. etc. but I'm not sure what to do after I punch in. :huh:
Orientation was a bit long, but I enjoyed it. I got a free Starbucks.

My first day is Sunday. I know to go in through the Team Member entrance etc. etc. but I'm not sure what to do after I punch in. :huh:

Just get with the LOD and ask them where to go/what to do but I'm sure you'll be with a trainer.
Just get with the LOD and ask them where to go/what to do but I'm sure you'll be with a trainer.

I have the name of my trainer. I just don't know what to do after I punch in. I guess I can just ask the HR people.
I have the name of my trainer. I just don't know what to do after I punch in. I guess I can just ask the HR people.

Your trainer should be there at the same time as you. They'll know where to start.
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