Archived New SrTL HL

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Apr 10, 2012
Greetings, everyone.

I started with Target almost a year ago as a part time seasonal tm (as a time-waster, second job in addition to my full time job at the time). I was recently promoted to SrTL HL (domestics, dec home and HBA) and I'm starting to settle in to my routine. Still a little rough around the edges, though.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone...
Welcome to The Break Room! Less than a year and you're already a SrTL? That's pretty impressive.

Re: username - Are you, by any chance, a fan of The Beets?
Thanks, folks.

Welcome to The Break Room! Less than a year and you're already a SrTL? That's pretty impressive.

Welcome! That is a fast promotion!

I had a lot of prior experience, and an additional spot opened up. I have to say, though, it was a pretty big rank jump which made for an awkward situation with a few TMs and TLs.

Re: username - Are you, by any chance, a fan of The Beets?

Darn right I am.
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