Archived New store, new forum

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Feb 24, 2013
Hey everyone,

New to the forum (actually found out about it from googling a question in the media room at work and hitting the firewall... oops!), but not new to the company. I am, however, a recent transfer to my current store.

It's weird, not just relearning all the names and layouts and all, but seeing the drastically different work environments between the two stores. My old store felt very much like a family, and while there were definite conflicts, almost everyone pulled together to help each other and the store out. This new location feels much colder to me, with a much greater focus on "speed is life" over "fast, fun, and friendly", and I'm not a fan. At my old store I was setting sales planners, completing urgent news alerts, and generally doing a lot of more team-lead-y stuff because I knew how, because it let the actual TLs do more important stuff, and because it let me feel like I was contributing in a more meaningful way than just fighting back the endless waves of reshop. Now, I feel like a robot could do my job, and do it better. "It is now 12:00, all tasks must now be completed. Begin reshop. It is now 3:00. Reshop is completed. Begin zone."

Any suggestions on how to stop feeling like "warm body #14" and start feeling like a valuable part of the team again? (other than getting over myself and accepting that I have to do the boring stuff for good, that is 😛)
Greetings and salutations.

Depends on the culture of the store, some are more welcoming than others.
I found that the breakroom tends to be a good place to start.
Glad to have you!

I am in a similar situation although mine is temporary. I leave my home town for school and transfer stores. My home store felt like family as well and I was in your same boat, very little "robot" work and much more "team-lead-y" work. Although I enjoy the advanced work a lot more you have to realize it doesn't just come to you and you're not going to waltz in that store and be what you were before and it took me a while to get over that. Now in my 4th month with my new store I have pretty much worked my way back into the "position" I was in at my home store. Just work hard, show them what you can do and inform them you would like to move up, it'll help.
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