Archived New tattoo advice..

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Feb 9, 2016
So i'm planning to get a tattoo on my leg (above my ankle) soon and it'll be my first one so I don't know what to expect..

My question is, should I take a couple of days off work for when my tattoo is healing? Since it'll be on my lower leg I'm not sure if it's ok to be standing & walking for hours within a day or two after getting it. And If I should take time off, how many days would you suggest? Any advice at all would be great because I don't really know anything about tattoos!
It will be OK to work just make sure nothing is touching it.
Yeah you just don't want It sticking to your pants or anything but don't cover it up, it needs to breathe. Try not to smack it either with anything but other than that you will be fine.
It should be fine as long as you're not rubbing it up against anything. If you aren't closing, maybe try getting it the day before a day off just so it has some time to heal before you go back to work. But I would recommend maybe taking soap and stuff to clean it during a break to help keep it clean.
Thanks! Is there a way to help keep it from sticking to my clothes?
And yeah I was also thinking I'll need to clean it during breaks.
I had a co-worker that got a tattoo on his calf. He wrapped it in saran wrap with aquaphor and cleaned it and reapplied during breaks. Worked for him.
It won't "stick" to your pants. The healing process is actually very dry naturally, hence the use of moisturisers while you heal. if it is your first, be aware that depending on how your body deals with foreign things and if you have any allergy to the ink, swelling is possible, especially if you are standing on it all day.
And some of us just swell up while being tattooed. So I pack the ice for the trip home.

Hope you enjoy your new tattoo.
I got my 3rd yesterday. It's on my forearm so I was able to keep my sleeves rolled up today, but it's cold so I had to have my shirt and coat on to get to work this morning. I hate the feeling of clothes touching a fresh tattoo. I carry a travel bottle with some cetaphil gentle skin cleanser to wash it, and I'm gonna fill the other with lotion because 2 days of aquaphor is enough for me. Just be careful and try not to bump it, and you'll be ok!
I wrapped my leg in plastic wrap after smothering it in a&d. I taped it just to be sure. It didn't bleed out onto my pants and was not irritated. I went to work the day after I got it.
It's just a scratch, treat it as such.

It's not rocket science or Chinese algebra...
It's just a scratch, treat it as such.

It's not rocket science or Chinese algebra...

You do realize while there are different type of algebra they have nothing to do with race and are all going to be same no matter what country you are in?
That math is universal no matter what language you speak?

Sorry, math teacher wife hated that kind of stuff.
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