Archived New to here: Jealousy from coworkers.

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Mar 31, 2016
So I was notified yesterday by my ETL that I am most likely going to be promoted to a GSA. Seeing as this is my first job and I have been working for under four months it's very surprising. I've broken records at my store however. Opened up 67 red cards last week and 18 in one shift. Have had the highest survey scores and all of the GSTL's and ETL, LOD, and the STL really like me. I absolutely adore my job at target as well. Some of my coworkers are obviously jealous though. One of my coworkers got upset and said its not fair we are all the same and they're giving you special treatment I'm going to resign blah blah. So what should I do about this whole situation?
I was hired on as a GSA, externally. As you can imagine, a ton of the cashiers were PISSED. We actually did have a cashier/Food Ave TM quit because he got passed over for the promotion. A lot of cashiers didn't want to listen to me or accept my authority because of it. You just have to be the one in charge. Show that you won't let them intimidate you. If it becomes an actual issue with some of them, take it up with your GSTL and let them handle the situation. Clearly you wouldn't have been promoted if you weren't the right candidate for the position, so it's everyone else's job to deal with it now. Don't try to kiss ass or apologize, just keep doing your job the best you can and let it all come out in the wash.
If you're thay valuable of an asset, then ask for the GSTL position with a damn good raise. The GSA positing in a joke and the raise is the punchline of said joke.
If you're thay valuable of an asset, then ask for the GSTL position with a damn good raise. The GSA positing in a joke and the raise is the punchline of said joke.

I heard it is but my ETL/HR says i could be a GSTL soon but first comes the GSA and proving I am capable of that position not just through actions but experience
I heard it is but my ETL/HR says i could be a GSTL soon but first comes the GSA and proving I am capable of that position not just through actions but experience

Meh. I guess that makes sense, they must want to do that since you're new still. And it could be good for you too. Personally I'd still ask about taking on the extra responsibility and just go straight to GSTL.
18 red cards in 1 day? Wow. Being a GSA is not an easy job. Depending on your store size, it may take some time for the gstl job.
Promotion? GSA? I don't think so.

If you're that good, GSTL or bust. Having an HRTM and Electronics TMs both becoming GSTLs with little to no GSA experience. You don't need to be a GSA to get to GSTL. 50 cents won't be worth the stress you're about to experience.
Promotion? GSA? I don't think so.

If you're that good, GSTL or bust. Having an HRTM and Electronics TMs both becoming GSTLs with little to no GSA experience. You don't need to be a GSA to get to GSTL. 50 cents won't be worth the stress you're about to experience.
Add to this: if you were already 'smashing records' the ONLY point of becoming GSA first would be to see if you have a tough hide to go with being a 'leader'.
Because, as everyone here will vouch for, GSA is often GSTL on the cheap. You're doing many of the tasks of GSTL for a pittance of the pay but - because you're not a 'real' leader - you will be dissed by many unless you have strong support from your GSTLs & ETLs.
Take the position as a stepping stone but be prepared to work twice as hard for half as much.
But if you are achieving goals & driving results, you should push for a move up to TL.
Don't settle.
One of our redcard divas became a GSA & she leads by example.
If she walks up to a cashier who is having difficulty talking about the redcard, she starts chatting up the guest & can usually turn a redcard.
Afterwards she turns it into a teachable moment with the cashier.
She drives results.
I have a really hard time getting red cards . My store wants cashiers to get 1 to every 100 guests.. I try my best I am a very friendly person, I ask if they have or want first after I say hi and eye contact. I need help I got written up today for not enough. I have been working for a target 11 years next month. Please help I don't want to loose my job...
I have a really hard time getting red cards . My store wants cashiers to get 1 to every 100 guests.. I try my best I am a very friendly person, I ask if they have or want first after I say hi and eye contact. I need help I got written up today for not enough. I have been working for a target 11 years next month. Please help I don't want to loose my job...

The only thing that they can write you up/fire you for is not asking for Redcards. So as long as you are asking every guest, then you should be fine.
well at the end of the day you are the one in charge and the team needs to understand/respect. Use GSA as a stepping stone to become a TL and show you can lead the team.
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