Archived New to Target; Orientation is TODAY!

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Feb 4, 2013
I'll give a basic run down-- I managed to be able to find work at Target after unsuccessful attempts before, as well as everywhere else. Finally I got the call, hired on the spot. Drug test was a horrid experience, they had to reschedule this orientation twice because their labs lost the results and it was very frustrating. Not Targets fault really-- but man, I could of been making a check.

Anyway-- I am being hired for Food Avenue, but specified I would also like to be cross-trained in other areas. I've mostly done office jobs, but I did have a retail position at Party City in a temp store. It was an awful experience, and they took no time in training me and pretty much threw me to the dogs. But I have done idle work on cashier and sales floor. I excel in working with customers above all else.

I did specify I needed at least 30 hours if I could get good are they at keeping commitments on that? Because as soon as I mentioned I was within walking distance of the store and could work anytime, they were willing to offer up cross as an option to let me 'work more'.

My question primarily is; for someone fresh in the food service part of customer-geared jobs, what should I expect by means of tasks and training? What about cross-training? I've been told my colleagues I am over-thinking the difficulty of work, but I honestly want to give Target a reason to keep me/study up on what I should know.

Sorry if I didn't give enough detail or too much. 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Greetings and salutations.
Have to say that each store is a bit different unfortunately when it comes down to cross training.
I'm told that FA can be a bit of a black hole but there are many folks here who can give you a better perspective than I can.
Welcome & my condolences.
First off, Target (aka "Spot") doesn't guarantee any set number of hours. Any one who tells you otherwise, I'd be leery of. You should get a decent number to start with while training but, depending on your store's traffic, this time of year is usually famine.
If you need more hours & want to branch out from behind the counter (Commie is right: FA can be a black hole), start by picking up cashier shifts. Most stores have a "shift swap board" where TMs will post shifts they want to give away.
During my orientation once I saw my schedule, I did get a lot less hours scheduled than I had thought. Today I am doing the cashier training and everything else is FA. I'm kind of stressed about it, the one cash register experience I had was horrid.

Thanks for all the welcomes everyone! I really appreciate the support in this forum.
welcome - I am very clear when I extend offers - it's a part time job, do you have any questions?

We don't go by what you said you want to work. Your best bet is to cross train, and keep asking to be cross trained, don't call in and be willing to be called in to pick up shifts.

You'll be able to work your desired number of hours that way
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