Archived New to The Break Room, not new to Target

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Feb 4, 2013
Hi everyone. I just found this website. I've been working Front End for about a year and half now. I've been enjoying reading the various posts. I'm learning so much, many are things I have heard being referred to, but didn't know what they meant. I know most team members are comfortable with the "initial" lingo (ETL's, CA, PDA, sf, etc.) but it might be helpful for some things to be spelled out at least on an initial thread posting. Many newbies, (and not-so-newbies) would appreciate it. Thanks.
Wow, thanks! Just doubled my knowledge with one post. Life's good!
Welcome to The Break Room! The thread that HLM posted is a Sticky, so you can always find it quickly.
Computer challenged here, what's a sticky?

Means the thread will always be on the top of the page and won't drop off.

Example: I don't know if you've had a chance to check out the Retail comics that have been posted on the board, but the thread that they are posted in is a Sticky. It is always at the top of the list in the Off the Clock Chatter forum, regardless of which thread has the most recent posts in it (this would be at the top of the list if not for Stickies).
Hey everyone pretty sure everyone getting sick and tired of seeing someone say 'Hey I'm new...' but here goes. I'm new to The Breakroom not Target work 3 years in various areas I can say I've been and seen to much already and already humbled by this job. If anyone else works Cosmetics (as I primarily do) please go ahead and give me a hi and how's it going as that department makes me want to stab someone with the lipstick they tried on (Lol :crazy: )
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