Archived New tps shirts

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I just got mine in, I look like a damn soccer coach. It's more comfortable but the point of the uniform (in my store at least) was to scare people who were stealing into dropping what they had, it was a huge part of TPS presence. I think that "uh oh, I should put this back" factor is lost if I just look like any other team member with a different color shirt.

Plus the big SECURITY on the back just looks dorky

I agree. I prefer the old uniforms, I barely recognized the AP guys when I first saw them in the new uniforms yesterday.
LOL they do look like soccer shirts. I liked the old ones. Why change? The new ones 😕

To make target seem friendlier, also police have been complaining for a long time now that the security uniform looked too similar to theirs which is both a good thing and a bad thing depending on the circumstances.
How about electronics has their own outfits? I hate ppl bothering me to unlock an item if I'm in the area.
The uniforms are pointless to me. They always give themselves away by the way they're body language. It just seems obvious to me for some reason.
Is that the undercovers? Idk I just think they seem obvious. Somebody walking around with no cart casually looking around the store.
TPS' wear the blue polo and khaki, used to be the black cop uniform. They are supposed to be seen with their main role being prevention.

You should know who your undercover AP tms are. Ours introduce themselves to the team so they know to leave them alone when they are working. When in doubt you should treat them just like a guest.
TPS' wear the blue polo and khaki, used to be the black cop uniform. They are supposed to be seen with their main role being prevention.

You should know who your undercover AP tms are. Ours introduce themselves to the team so they know to leave them alone when they are working. When in doubt you should treat them just like a guest.

Okay I gotchu. I do know who our undercovers are and maybe that's why I feel that way. It's just that most guests unless their homeless or something lol have a cart, a basket, and look like they're on a mission to get in and out as quickly as possible.
Hey, they don't have to pay for their shirts, unlike the rest of the team. So even if its ugly, its free.
Our guy absolutely hates his! It's so sad he now has a crappy sewn on badge and looks much less intimidating. He honestly looks like a door greeter.
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