New Training On Defects

May 30, 2019
This new emphasis on markdowns is a disaster. Shows up in regular store inventory but can't be put in SFS or OPU so causing INF. Second thing is it will stay on clearance endcap until the end of time or until all of the item is clearanced out. The idea behind markdowns is sound but the system has to be tweaked so it can't show up in inventory for online ordering.
Is anyone else having these problems or are we doing something wrong?
This new emphasis on markdowns is a disaster. Shows up in regular store inventory but can't be put in SFS or OPU so causing INF. Second thing is it will stay on clearance endcap until the end of time or until all of the item is clearanced out. The idea behind markdowns is sound but the system has to be tweaked so it can't show up in inventory for online ordering.
Is anyone else having these problems or are we doing something wrong?
Haven't seen the new training but in our store our DBO would check clearance endcaps weekly and re-mark it down. As far as INF, how many INF's does your store have vs how many re-wrapped items does your store have? You need to take total SFS volume into account. Your INF problem won't be due to markdowns. Typically items aren't eligible for OPU/SFS orders if there's only 1-2 showing for on hands. When I noticed that display TV's weren't accounted for in inventory and could lead to shortage I thought about potential INF issues so audited to include displays as on hands and it said that it wasn't available for pickup even though the zebra said we had 1 in stock.
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I think people love a bargain. I know I do. It is worth it to put an online only sticker on something IMO. I'm at a busy store and we defect out a lot of shit. Probably a whole palate worth on a good day. Why not mark down a backpack or a sweater?

My problem with the training is that they said we aren't supposed to defect out things that show as .00 salvage on the my device, but they didn't tell me how to do it. I asked someone in GM. She said I was supposed to use the pricing app which is in my day now. Only it isn't in my version of my day, but it's in hers. I assume its because I am logged into S&E and she is signed into GM. How am I supposed to do it the right way if I don't have access to the right way?
I think people love a bargain. I know I do. It is worth it to put an online only sticker on something IMO. I'm at a busy store and we defect out a lot of shit. Probably a whole palate worth on a good day. Why not mark down a backpack or a sweater?

My problem with the training is that they said we aren't supposed to defect out things that show as .00 salvage on the my device, but they didn't tell me how to do it. I asked someone in GM. She said I was supposed to use the pricing app which is in my day now. Only it isn't in my version of my day, but it's in hers. I assume its because I am logged into S&E and she is signed into GM. How am I supposed to do it the right way if I don't have access to the right way?
You can sign into any area you want on myday and even multiple areas at once. There should be nothing preventing you.
Haven't seen the new training but in our store our DBO would check clearance endcaps weekly and re-mark it down. As far as INF, how many INF's does your store have vs how many re-wrapped items does your store have? You need to take total SFS volume into account. Your INF problem won't be due to markdowns. Typically items aren't eligible for OPU/SFS orders if there's only 1-2 showing for on hands. When I noticed that display TV's weren't accounted for in inventory and could lead to shortage I thought about potential INF issues so audited to include displays as on hands and it said that it wasn't available for pickup even though the zebra said we had 1 in stock.
Unless the item has a display with the same DPCI, the the system will let guests order all the way down to 0 on hand. TVs and furniture with displays of the same DPCI are the only things to my knowledge that have adjusted order thresholds.
I think people love a bargain. I know I do. It is worth it to put an online only sticker on something IMO. I'm at a busy store and we defect out a lot of shit. Probably a whole palate worth on a good day. Why not mark down a backpack or a sweater?
I am with you on this, but there are a few caveats. We used to have designated clearance endcaps, which helped to merchandise these items. There is simply no room on the floor for this now. This week, 3 tables and 5 chairs were returned for the decor area. Where should these go? They would definitely sell, but from where on the floor? We got back some designer items that we never got and they could absolutely be put with the items we did get, but the TL doesn't want markdowns with the new merch. It is a dilemma.
salvage should NOT be damaged.
‘DBO’s should process their own salvage but if service desk gets a salvage item as a return they should process it as salvage NOT damage.
like throwing cash in the trash cause Damage is 100% loss, store recoups some value back on the sale of salvage pallets.

‘To salvage:
1. Use zebra, MyDay app
2. Be logged on to a salesfloor area, any one will do
3. Use price change bar in middle
4. Scan item
5. Enter how many
6. Choose :
DONATE food & pet items
TOSS damaged
SALVAGE anything sellable
7. Put items in boxes on salvage pallet in receiving
Haven't seen the new training but in our store our DBO would check clearance endcaps weekly and re-mark it down. As far as INF, how many INF's does your store have vs how many re-wrapped items does your store have? You need to take total SFS volume into account. Your INF problem won't be due to markdowns. Typically items aren't eligible for OPU/SFS orders if there's only 1-2 showing for on hands. When I noticed that display TV's weren't accounted for in inventory and could lead to shortage I thought about potential INF issues so audited to include displays as on hands and it said that it wasn't available for pickup even though the zebra said we had 1 in stock.
It does let you order down to last one. Also why have an INF at all if the procedure can be improved
We have a rack on the floor for hanging online only merch
If it comes up with a price on the Zebra, I usually keep it, but if no price comes up and it allows me to defect and select "Remove item from inventory", that's what I do. The Zebra does not allow rewrap anymore, so defect is the only choice.
Unless the item has a display with the same DPCI, the the system will let guests order all the way down to 0 on hand. TVs and furniture with displays of the same DPCI are the only things to my knowledge that have adjusted order thresholds.

Furniture displays have a separate DPCI from the sellable ones. The exception to this is lawn & patio displays which are taken from sellable items.
If it comes up with a price on the Zebra, I usually keep it, but if no price comes up and it allows me to defect and select "Remove item from inventory", that's what I do. The Zebra does not allow rewrap anymore, so defect is the only choice.
In My day when you scan an online item scroll down to markdown and it will give you a repackage sticker
If you scan an item (in MyDay) and you get the reticket screen. That item is not in your store's current inventory. Treat it as Salvage (or missed salvage, if you will) and put it on your salvage pallet. No processing necessary. It's why these items aren't available on SFS/OPU either.
I think people love a bargain. I know I do. It is worth it to put an online only sticker on something IMO. I'm at a busy store and we defect out a lot of shit. Probably a whole palate worth on a good day. Why not mark down a backpack or a sweater?
Long ago we used to mark down on-line returns & put them on an endcap.
After awhile AP noticed a serial 'returner'.
She would order on-line items (pretty pricey items), return them in-store, wait for them to be marked down & re-purchase them from the endcap.
As a result, said returns were sent to the back for a few days to break up her MO.
Later, the markdown amount was reduced.
Now they just defect them out.
Unless the item has a display with the same DPCI, the the system will let guests order all the way down to 0 on hand. TVs and furniture with displays of the same DPCI are the only things to my knowledge that have adjusted order thresholds.
That's strange. I know that there are some limits in place for other items as well that are higher demand. I wonder if it's a case by case basis.
I am with you on this, but there are a few caveats. We used to have designated clearance endcaps, which helped to merchandise these items. There is simply no room on the floor for this now. This week, 3 tables and 5 chairs were returned for the decor area. Where should these go? They would definitely sell, but from where on the floor? We got back some designer items that we never got and they could absolutely be put with the items we did get, but the TL doesn't want markdowns with the new merch. It is a dilemma.
ASANTS, but we'll get creative about merchandising clearance stuff. One of our TLs is especially good about coming up with "how about if we do this?" ideas. We've temporarily added shelves here and there, made temporary side caps of clearance, shared a back end cap where areas meet up (like Paper and HBA) for a combined clearance area.
Those furniture items might be clumped together in the race track through home goods with a free-standing sign, sort of how we do pallets of storage bins for the "it's time to organize your life" time post-Christmas.
FWIW, I've found that if I keep the clearance end cap near my area neat and organized, stuff sells down way faster than if it's allowed to get messy and stay that way. Takes a few minutes and I still have to salvage stuff out, but it's a lot less.
I am I hearing this right that some stores no longer have clearance endcaps? For as long as I can remember there were always clearance endcaps at my old store. Sometimes you only saw them during the transition times. Also depending on who the DTL and/or GVP you would also have endcaps with NOP/d-code (we had a DTL or two that did not like the look of NOP endcaps, so were told keep the product backstocked and then send in a request for a markdown). There were also times when you have clearance/NOP/d-code endcap, as there was not enough product for both.

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