Archived New!!

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Jun 3, 2017
Hey guys! I just got hired and have my orientation on Wednesday but I had a few questions and I can't seem to get into contact with anyone, so I'll continue playing phone tag until I get straight answers. Figured I'd ask around here since people have some experience.

1. What do I wear?? Some people say red and khakis and some say just be comfortable? What about khaki shorts?

2. I was offered a position with the official title of "softlines" but I have no idea what that means?? I know I'm going to mainly be working in the cosmetics/clothing sections but doing what exactly? I interviewed for an overnight position (Flow) just because I needed a job and they said I'd be more fit to work softlines? I mean I'm all about cosmetics and beauty so I'm hype regardless but idk what to expect.

3. What do you do at orientation/when can I expect my schedule??

4. Honestly any advice would be really helpful, I'm super excited to start work here because I've heard so many positive things!!
1. My store said anything but shorts. NEVER wear shorts.

2. Soft lines is any on the carpet hence soft. You'll find out more soon.

3. They do paperwork and some cheesy ass videos. You'll explore the store and maybe play a small finding game.

4. No advice but welcome. You'll be fine.
  1. When in doubt, wear R&K. Do NOT wear shorts, it's unprofessional.
  2. Softlines covers the entire carpeted portion of the store, as well as baby products. Basically, all the clothes departments, the fitting room, and baby prouducts like infant formula, strollers, etc.
  3. Some paperwork, basic training that everyone needs to know, and perhaps a tour of the store.
  4. My advice is when in doubt, ask questions. It's better to ask the question and bother someone than it is to do the job wrong.
Wear strong comfortable shoes.
Bring a little notebook and pen to take notes.
Ask questions and write down the answers so you don't have to ask them again.
Drink a lot when you get home.

Greetings and salutations.
Welcome to The Break Room.
Also, be aware that the position they hired you for is NOT overnight. You will be working during the day when the store is open.
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