Archived Newer GSA, please help

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Jan 15, 2016
Hey there everyone! Just found out about the site and its a pretty nice resource!

So heres the thing, I've been a GSA for about 3 months now and the thing is that they are saying I'm
under performing. I've asked them about what and apparently they say I "Talk to much and stand around" the thing is that I'm always on the move gathering hangers, grabbing reshop, zoning up endcaps etc.

Also people have been leaving complaints saying I'm saying things I'm not as an example "GSTL X couldn't do their job without me" that's so insane for anyone to say that I can't believe they thought it was real.

Basically to anyone out there, please help me out... I had another talk recently and apparently they still think I stand around yet I've had no complaints about how things get closed...

I really like this job and I just come to work and do my job, does anyone have any tips on things to just I guess always keep yourself busy? like my store isn't the highest traffic at night and I find myself just re-checking my work over and over until we close.

I feel like someone is out to get me, if its anything of note I was also higher straight off the street into GSA
Well, are you standing around and talking too much? Ask a leader to guide/coach you through specific examples. If a leader says you didn't do the breaker sheet correctly, ask for advice on how to do it differently. Try to get details, not just overreaching statements.

Also, don't be afraid to check yourself. If you know you are double checking your work, double check your attitude, responses, and mannerisms.
It does sound like someone might be out to get you, there might be a long-time cashier that's a little sore at being passed up for GSA & then sees you get hired off the street with no prior Target experience.

I have seen several people suggest writing down what you are doing as your shift progresses. Write down your tasks and the date and time as well as any unusual encounters with guests or TMs in case the subject comes up. That way you can flip to that date and give your version of events. It could save your hiney in the future.
That's what I might start doing, I use a lot "we got this done" and "tonight we" in my closing emails even though a huge majority is me, because I see us as a team.

Maybe I should start flatly crediting my work instead of keeping the team up
What StaticSun said: who is giving you this feedback? Your ETL-GE? If so, ask for specifics. They probably won't give you the name of who's complaining, but the only way for you to correct that is to know what behaviors are causing you to be perceived that way.

Even the most effective GSAs, TLs, ETLs, etc. "stand around" occasionally and shoot the shit for 5 minutes. It doesn't mean they do it all the time, and it doesn't mean they weren't just working their ass off for the first 7.5 hours of their shift. Unfortunately, perception is everything, and if the wrong person sees you doing this at the wrong time, it can easily turn into "so and so just stands around and talks all day,"
See and thats where I think I'm at right now, I've touched base with my GSTL more and I've been asking the LOD's when we close for feedback and so far its been positive, apparently the one that had mentioned the standing around thing is notorious for "owning your space" and I guess they just saw me at a slower time probably while I was trying to figure out a smart location to move some endcap stuff around (we had about 3 new planograms come out not that long ago that I had to work out)

Overall things seem to be improving so I'm not as worried, but even still I do really like this job and I don't want to lose it.
Eh, you're new, you're going to get a lot of criticism while you learn, and while other people learn how you work. Best you can do is absorb what everyone is saying, decide what is and isn't valid, and go from there.
This is true, and I'm glad for all the feedback in this thread. The thing my GSTL told me that he doesn't like is how shotgun trained I was (I came on a week before black friday) and was completely new to target and its culture, so I think that may have played a part in my whole understanding of things too.
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