Here’s the old school way: Observe your team. If you have a strong team with productive TMs and good teamwork where people communicate and back each other up, you are in luck. Just tell your team what needs to be done, assign tasks, and monitor progress. Treat your team the way you would like to be treated. Earn their trust and never betray it. If someone has a problem, go to bat for them. Have your teams’ back, help them out when they need it and let them do their thing when they don’t. Mentor them. If someone makes a mistake, tell them about it kindly and show them how not to make that mistake again. Leave corrective action for serious infractions committed with intent, not for honest mistakes. If you are new to the team, observe their process. If the team is hitting their timelines and metrics, let them do their job the way it works best for them. Change for the sake of change can lead to demoralization and a loss of productivity. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. When changes are needed always explain the “whys” behind the changes to ensure TM buy-in. If you have old timers that you trust, listen to their advice, listen to your TMs ideas and problems and make everyone feel valued. Say thank you to every TM every day, and make sure everyone knows that your door is always open. Bring food and drinks for the team and have food celebrations for milestones. Tell them that If metrics are green for a month (or whatever standard you need to have met) that you will get them pizza or whatever. Always deliver on your promises. Show your team that you work as hard as they do, and that it takes everyone’s hard work to make a successful team. Look out for your team and they will look out for you.