Archived No PA System = the Store Never Closes... obviously

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I'm surprised this wasn't done on an Indyme years ago.
I mean, I remember when there were alerts to leadership when certain reports were due by certain times of the day so something could be programmed.
At the very least, have an Indyme button programmed for the various numerals: #1 gives the 15 minute warning, #2 the ten minute, #3 the five minute & #4 the closing announcement.
It really amazes me how stupid the guests are. they continue to shop with the lights out! it was so tempting to want to say when they asked about the lights being so dark. "what the hell do you think it means?!?!"
Its not uncommon for the lights to dim outduring operating hours at my store...
We have to now tell guests "We're closing in 15 minutes...we're closing in 10 minutes...we're closing in 5 minutes...get the fuck out of our store!" It's kind of annoying but guests aren't going to listen either way. They will shop until they're damn well ready to go they don't leave on our terms.
My store never disabled it. Operator has gone on normally making closing announcements, only change is that any overhead guest paging (party is waiting at GS, etc.) needs to be approved by an LOD.
Ours are still not working. I was closing operator last night and my LOD was like "fitting room, wanna try those announcements?" I wanted to be like hell yeah cause people will never leave now.
There are some pretty specific instructions on how to do the announcements now. Did you follow them?
When I close GSTL I make sure to keep an eye on the traffic coming in and going out after we slow down (about 30 min before close), I also made accompanying walkie announcements and asked team members to remind guests we are closing. That way I have an idea of who's coming in late at night and who we need to be looking out for. Not a perfect system, but it hasn't failed me yet 😉
The walkie thing is dumb. In a fully staffed store it is very easy to miss a guest who just happens to be crossing across an adjacent endcap or turning the corner of a trend run. In a store where there is one hard lines team member covering A, B, C, D, & E (or whatever breakdown the store uses), you are basically askin for guests to be mixed.

Also, a singular script being related by one position is much more easily controlled than the communications by exasperated employees who have no interest further than going home. Of course few people WANT to stay late after closing, but to be honest, some people are general jerks about the matter and simply don't care. Last week I walked into a (non-Target) store 23 minutes before closing to get one single item. My trip should have been no more than four minutes including check out. On my way in the only visible person at all was a cashier roughly 40 feet from me who greeted me with "We're closing in about 20 minutes." I turned around and walked right back out. There are truly fewer things I find so completely off-putting.

I worked in a small store where that is what we were supposed to tell people, at 10min we paged overhead you need to be in line. 5 after close if you weren't in line you didn't get rung up. Cause the boss pulled the drawer. They can't respect our time, we don't respect theirs.
Some nights we have this one guy who comes in at around 11, shops for his groceries, then comes up to check out at 12:00AM on the dot. He's the kind of guest that will make you stop after each item has been scanned so that he can check to make sure the price is correct. If he doesn't like the price, he tries to say that it was marked lower. When we finally get him out of line he stands at the end of one of the check lanes and ties his bags shut really slowly, before leaving. By the time he leaves the store, it's usually 12:20-12:25AM.
I worked in a small store where that is what we were supposed to tell people, at 10min we paged overhead you need to be in line. 5 after close if you weren't in line you didn't get rung up. Cause the boss pulled the drawer. They can't respect our time, we don't respect theirs.

I don't see our examples as necessarily comparable. 23 minutes before closing and 5 minutes after are pretty different things. That said, it's not only possible but extremely easy to politely inform guests of business hours, not merely bark like a rabid monkey chasing away your business.
Some nights we have this one guy who comes in at around 11, shops for his groceries, then comes up to check out at 12:00AM on the dot. He's the kind of guest that will make you stop after each item has been scanned so that he can check to make sure the price is correct. If he doesn't like the price, he tries to say that it was marked lower. When we finally get him out of line he stands at the end of one of the check lanes and ties his bags shut really slowly, before leaving. By the time he leaves the store, it's usually 12:20-12:25AM.

We had one like that for a little while. The LOD or I would always guest service the ABSOLUTE SH** out of him. Like, from the 20 minute mark if we knew he was still in the store. We'd zone endcaps near him or the aisle he's in, feet away from him, ask him if he's finding his final selections okay, etc. Then shortly after the 5 minute mark we would ask him to go to the check lanes if he wanted to get rung up tonight. One time he got fed up with it and asked "to speak to a manager about this" and then I clued him in that every one of us who had been doing this over the past couple weeks was in a leadership/management role and he'd already talked to all of us every night he did this. He stopped real fast.
Our PA still does not work.
They probably didn't get the new instructions for using it.

There's a workbench headline that explains which phones can do it and what buttons and numbers you need to key for it to work.
Your supposed to hit page access button on the operator phone and then 52.... works like a charm. I still announce over the walkie that team members need to remind the guests that if they aren't at the checklanes by close they will not be rung up. I hate entitled guest that can't be bothered by 3 closing announcements. I have denied those entitled customers before and it felt great!
It really amazes me how stupid the guests are. they continue to shop with the lights out! it was so tempting to want to say when they asked about the lights being so dark. "what the hell do you think it means?!?!"

Last summer the power went out & guests we're still walking around like nothing happened.
I'll look again on WB. All I saw was the instruction to use the page button, our phones do not have a page button.
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