Archived No PA System = the Store Never Closes... obviously

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Anything than just stand around with a dumb look on their face & act as if the store did it on purpose.

Power outages usually last mere minutes. No reason to not keep shopping in such instances.

They responded appropriately. Only your response is inane.
Power outages usually last mere minutes. No reason to not keep shopping in such instances.

They responded appropriately. Only your response is inane.

I live in Alaska where when the power goes down, it doesn't do it as much any more but when it does it's for hours if not days.
The rule was, wait five minutes, then herd everyone to the front door and kick them out.
Last summer the power went out & guests we're still walking around like nothing happened.
Anything than just stand around with a dumb look on their face & act as if the store did it on purpose.
Continuing as if everything is normal is one thing, standing around looking confused is another.
Last summer the power went out & guests we're still walking around like nothing happened.

We can sometimes lose power a couple, maybe three days a week, multiple times over the day. I don't think we've had to close or cease operations over it in years. It is however, annoying as heck.
Some nights we have this one guy who comes in at around 11, shops for his groceries, then comes up to check out at 12:00AM on the dot. He's the kind of guest that will make you stop after each item has been scanned so that he can check to make sure the price is correct. If he doesn't like the price, he tries to say that it was marked lower. When we finally get him out of line he stands at the end of one of the check lanes and ties his bags shut really slowly, before leaving. By the time he leaves the store, it's usually 12:20-12:25AM.
oooo Id be fighting every urge to say "fuck you" to him. I remember one Hispanic woman who would come and try to go to a newer cashier who would allow all her coupons to go through... this was when we actually had a coupon policy we'd enforce. She would use the wrong coupons on purpose, not get the right size... not get the proper amount. One night when she came to me it took a good... hmmm 10 mins past closing to check her out. I was so angry/frustrated that after she was out of the door I loudly said "JESUS CHRIST!!!" my GSTL just started laughing.
Our PA hasn't been working since long before the incident, and I'm from a fairly new store! One of the softlines TMs will go up and use the mic in TSC to make the closing announcements, but even that thing can be finicky/hard to hear. It's annoying to have to drop what you're doing to go do the announcement, but somebody's gotta do it.
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