No receipt Return

Jan 4, 2021
The other day I was helping a guest at service desk . The guest had a return. The item was a large boxes sporting good item like a basketball net or goale bet , anyway the item was about $120. She didn't have a receipt so I scanned her ID and scanned the item . Apparently she has reached some kind of limit for returning items without receipt. So the register flagged me and said it must be a direct exchange for merchandise, no store credit was issued. She was ok with that because she "just wanted a new one". So she left and walked into the store to go grab another. She comes back with items she wants to exchange for because we didn't have any more of the item like she was returning. I started the return again. Scanned her ID, scanned the item she was returning, the exchange window popped up on the register, she started handing items I scanned all of the items and lastly she gave me a gift card she had grabbed. The remaining balance for her exchange was $52 , the register allowed me to add the remaining balance of $52 onto a gift card and printed a receipt She tried turning an exchange into a gift card purchase, I post voided it and told her to grab something else besides a gift card because when I scanned the gift card it didn't activate successfully.
if you are doing an ID return and it makes you exchange it then it means the item is not able to be put on a merchandise card. If it can’t be put on a merchandise item you shouldn’t put it in a gift card for a exchange. It’s common sense that you shouldn’t buy a gift card when it has you exchange a item. Gift cards are better then merchandise cards. If it’s not even letting you put it in a merchandise card you definitely shouldn’t put it on a gift card.
What is the functional differences between gift cards & merch cards?
if you are doing an ID return and it makes you exchange it then it means the item is not able to be put on a merchandise card. If it can’t be put on a merchandise item you shouldn’t put it in a gift card for a exchange. It’s common sense that you shouldn’t buy a gift card when it has you exchange a item. Gift cards are better then merchandise cards. If it’s not even letting you put it in a merchandise card you definitely shouldn’t put it on a gift card.
I do know this. The guest thought she was going to pull a fast one on me but I'm knowing about the loops.

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