To be fair to your flex team, epick isn't exactly great about giving us item information and location in softlines. Some things do go in specific locations on a pog. Others don't. Take socks. They are on pogs. Epick will tell us the location. It won't tell us if we are looking for men's or women's socks. We can click through to MyWork to get that info usually, but a stressed flex TM might not think of that at the moment or the info might not be in MyWork. Hence, ask a style TM where the section letter is.
Yes, your flex TM probably should have seen the picture of the shoe in ePICK and known where to go. We just need a brand and size. Our gun can help us from there. If what need isn't on the floor, it's just swing by the fitting room to check, then head to the back to scan the shoe metros.