Archived Nobody listens

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They did the exact same thing to me, was randomly thrown in electronics one night (by myself) and I've been back there ever since, probably about 4 months now. Not to mention I finally just applied & had an interview with my electronics TL about a month or so ago so I could get the raise because if I'm going to be back there id rather be getting paid properly for it. Not only did they not even give me a job offer, nor deny it (which doesn't make sense at all because everyone always talks about how good I do back there) but they're STILL scheduling me in electronics, even when I'm supposed to be hardlines I 9 times out of 10 end up in electronics & it's starting to piss me off that they're pretty much using me and ripping me off.
I'd tell them if they aren't going to pay you as an electronics TM, you're not going to work in electronics.....PERIOD!!!
Is electronics like Starbucks or the cafe? If you are scheduled there for some percentage of your total hours don't they have to pay you whatever that work center calls for?
Is electronics like Starbucks or the cafe? If you are scheduled there for some percentage of your total hours don't they have to pay you whatever that work center calls for?

Good question I know I didn't for the day I had to fill in for 4 hrs
Is electronics like Starbucks or the cafe? If you are scheduled there for some percentage of your total hours don't they have to pay you whatever that work center calls for?
Not can change the work enter in the time clock, but that's basically just so they can charge the hours to the correct department. We used to have techs who would pick up shifts in other departments & they would, but that's just so we didn't get charged for the hours they were on the floor...
You have to consistently have 50% of your hours (like over several weeks in a row) be scheduled in a different department to be considered in that department and qualify for the raise.

Once you are qualified, you can fight HR for the switch and back pay.
My store has a bad habit of switching people to the cafe but not telling them they should get a small raise. Then they won't pay it when the TM finds out. Several TMs had to resort to calling the hotline. In each case they were called into hr and told their pay increase and back pay would be on their next check. Usually the very next day.
My store has a bad habit of switching people to the cafe but not telling them they should get a small raise. Then they won't pay it when the TM finds out. Several TMs had to resort to calling the hotline. In each case they were called into hr and told their pay increase and back pay would be on their next check. Usually the very next day.
You'd think your leadership would've stopped doing that after the first couple of hotline calls.
Low learning curve, I guess.
Nope. They did it again with a brand TM. Never told her she should have been given a small raise. I don't know if they ever gave it to her.
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