Archived Nobody listens

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I'm sorry, but I feel like the whole time you've been on this board you've had nothing but complaints about how much you hate your job, how much Target has screwed you over AS A TEMP, etc. I'm a single mom and they make me miss my kids' bedtime and I have to pay overtime to my babysitters on a weekly basis because of it, but I'm glad to have a job. It may suck, but it pays. And now your "glitterberry" self is complaining about having to work a specific section? Honey, I wish I worked at your store so I could take your shifts and get more than 22.5 hours next week so I could pay the rent FOR MY KIDS, and not some "fun, whatevs" job like you're treating it. Good luck with your bad attitude and "special-little-snowflake" self. Electronics is honest work for ADULTS. Get over yourself. (Mods: ban me if you must, but I'm done with that ish.)

You're entitled to your opinion and can ignore my posts. Alot of people here complain about things and help out others which I have. I have stated numerous times I love the people I work with and my job I just wish they would work with me on things. It's hard to not complain when the leadership tells you time and time again don't worry if it's in the computer it's fine and no worries we will have you train on something else only to go back on their word time and time again when I have always worked every schedule they scheduled me for and never called in despite it never being within my availability. If it was a "fun whatevs" job I would have walked a month ago. I have since been hired on (because I am working the hours even though I really can't, train in all sorts of areas and come in on days off) and have a good amount of hours which I'm thankful for but just because you have kids and I don't doesn't make me not an adult and not have responsibilities. Last I checked this forum was to come with concerns, help others, and be there for each other. My concerns with electronics is they have alot of people that know it and taking me off the sales floor where I know everything to put me somewhere where I don't know anything makes guests upset when they have to wait for me to figure it out. I invite you to block me and stop looking at my posts then. But please do not preach your status of adult over mine after you acted very childish in your response. Have a good one.
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Our store does have trouble with availability issues as well. The most we get is putting it on the swap shift board.

On the case of working electronics, I have worked a few electronics shifts and I cover lunch most of the time. The best advice I can give you, if you want to use your shift is if a guest has a question about some of the items, I usually read the box or I will use my phone to find the information they are asking about. Most of the time they are just wondering if I have a particular item in stock. With hours being slashed, I would be happy just be getting the hours you are getting.

Definitely. I've done those things as well, maybe it's the state I work in but customers in general and especially back there in electronics get so mad if you don't know the answer right away and that throws everyone into a tizzy. So then you get a line because you're trying to figure it out and it just steam rolls. That's why I said it makes the store look a little less professional by having someone back there that knows absolutely nothing because everyone waiting is like WTF??
I hate when people stress the fact that they have kids as if that makes them more responsible than those who don't. It's no one's fault that people have kids and some of us don't. Doesn't eliminate responsibility from those who don't.
Definitely. I've done those things as well, maybe it's the state I work in but customers in general and especially back there in electronics get so mad if you don't know the answer right away and that throws everyone into a tizzy. So then you get a line because you're trying to figure it out and it just steam rolls. That's why I said it makes the store look a little less professional by having someone back there that knows absolutely nothing because everyone waiting is like WTF??

I understand what you are saying. Our mobile people are pretty good about helping with guest when they can and we have ask for backup if we get more than a couple guest waiting. Electronics is the one area that I haven't had a guest get mad if I don't know something right away. If I get a question about what the difference is on this product or that product, I will look at the box of both products. I have done the same thing with vacuum cleaners. I have brought up reviews from Target online to help a guest choose which product might be better. However if you don't feel comfortable back there, then I do understand why you wouldn't want to be back there.
I understand what you are saying. Our mobile people are pretty good about helping with guest when they can and we have ask for backup if we get more than a couple guest waiting. Electronics is the one area that I haven't had a guest get mad if I don't know something right away. If I get a question about what the difference is on this product or that product, I will look at the box of both products. I have done the same thing with vacuum cleaners. I have brought up reviews from Target online to help a guest choose which product might be better. However if you don't feel comfortable back there, then I do understand why you wouldn't want to be back there.

I wish we had your guests! We most of the time don't have enough team members working to even back up in electronics because all the sales floor is backing up the front lanes so that makes it hard to be enthusiastic about being back there as well knowing youre pretty much not going to get help. Target mobile does help too when they can but they get slammed as much as electronics alot of the time. Thanks for the suggestions though those are really good!
I wish we had your guests! We most of the time don't have enough team members working to even back up in electronics because all the sales floor is backing up the front lanes so that makes it hard to be enthusiastic about being back there as well knowing youre pretty much not going to get help. Target mobile does help too when they can but they get slammed as much as electronics alot of the time. Thanks for the suggestions though those are really good!

No problem! We haven't had as much coverage recently which is normal for this time of the year. Our plano team is pretty good about helping as well as pricing. I would say we have a decent team in the mornings. The evening are usually staffed better and with more people who are cross trained. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully something will happen.
No problem! We haven't had as much coverage recently which is normal for this time of the year. Our plano team is pretty good about helping as well as pricing. I would say we have a decent team in the mornings. The evening are usually staffed better and with more people who are cross trained. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully something will happen.

I think my whole deal with it is because I have been stuck back there for a few hours when people called in or something and I couldn't get help, people ignored the walkie and the help button when I pressed it and then get mad that guests complained that they had to wait so long or that we don't know stuff (there's a few others in my situation too) so it's a lose lose and it makes it less encouraging to want to be back there.
If you've worked outside your availability in the past, that's probably why they continue to schedule you beyond it now. You have to put your foot down like Ashfromoldsite and make them change it more of the "yeah, next schedule...." BS. As long as they keep getting away with scheduling you outside your availability, they will.

And AFA being stuck in electronics and not knowing anything, that's basically the point of training you, so you aren't stuck in that situation again.
Fourth quarter, guys. Working back there is stressful for experienced TMs, let alone newbies. It gets crazy back there with phone calls, call buttons, guests who need stuff unlocked and more. I don't blame guests that get angry. We lose money every day because people get tired of waiting.
Also, I appreciate people who can disagree without making disparaging comments about the person they disagree with.
They did the exact same thing to me, was randomly thrown in electronics one night (by myself) and I've been back there ever since, probably about 4 months now. Not to mention I finally just applied & had an interview with my electronics TL about a month or so ago so I could get the raise because if I'm going to be back there id rather be getting paid properly for it. Not only did they not even give me a job offer, nor deny it (which doesn't make sense at all because everyone always talks about how good I do back there) but they're STILL scheduling me in electronics, even when I'm supposed to be hardlines I 9 times out of 10 end up in electronics & it's starting to piss me off that they're pretty much using me and ripping me off.
Some people will "listen" to what you are saying ...but don't hear what you are saying.You can talk to them and they seem to care and or at least pretend then 10 min later couldn't tell you one thing you said .
Yeah with being seasonal at the time I didn't want to consistently bother them with everything to the point of them getting mad at me so I'll try it again with the scheduling. I know it's a double edged sword with that meaning if I work it they will keep scheduling me but I didn't want to be that seasonal tm that didn't work the hours given either so hopefully now that I'm permanent I can talk to them more about it and not worry. Thanks for those that understand the electronics crazy and understand I'm just looking for guidance here since I am still new
Fourth quarter, guys. Working back there is stressful for experienced TMs, let alone newbies. It gets crazy back there with phone calls, call buttons, guests who need stuff unlocked and more. I don't blame guests that get angry. We lose money every day because people get tired of waiting.
Also, I appreciate people who can disagree without making disparaging comments about the person they disagree with.

I don't blame them either I just feel bad I'm unable to help them and feel like it makes the store look bad
If you've worked outside your availability in the past, that's probably why they continue to schedule you beyond it now. You have to put your foot down like Ashfromoldsite and make them change it more of the "yeah, next schedule...." BS. As long as they keep getting away with scheduling you outside your availability, they will.

And AFA being stuck in electronics and not knowing anything, that's basically the point of training you, so you aren't stuck in that situation again.

Yeah they have a habit of putting people in places they have never trained in and walk away lol
You seem to care about your performance which is awesome, I would bring that up to your TL/ETL and ETL-HR. Let them know you really want to help the store but that you need to be scheduled according to your approved availability. Explain to them why you're uncomfortable in electronics. Maybe if they see that you do care what's going on, they'll really listen to you. As a TL myself, we get a lot of TMs always talking to us about their schedule so it's hard to keep track sometimes. Just give them another chance and see what happens. Good luck!
You seem to care about your performance which is awesome, I would bring that up to your TL/ETL and ETL-HR. Let them know you really want to help the store but that you need to be scheduled according to your approved availability. Explain to them why you're uncomfortable in electronics. Maybe if they see that you do care what's going on, they'll really listen to you. As a TL myself, we get a lot of TMs always talking to us about their schedule so it's hard to keep track sometimes. Just give them another chance and see what happens. Good luck!

Thanks! Yes I do care just because it makes the day run smoother having people in areas they know and guests are happy and not ruining everyone's day when we are trying lol. I'll talk to them again. I don't want to yell at them or anything I'm not that kinda person and I truly like all the TL's so that's why it's been "what the heck guys" lol I have anxiety too so think of it in electronics as you know what you're doing and it's crazy but you know it so you can swim.. In my case I'm drowning and it steam rolls and panic sets in so I'm trying to avoid that
Then keep it real with them and let them know. If you've been working with them, they should be okay helping you out.
I was halfway into a long effortpost about how to deal with your leadership when I realized I could sum it up in a sentence:

Set some fucking boundaries and deal with the consequences.

okay, two sentences:

Stop expecting your leadership to care about your feelings.
I'm always middle Manning it by calling someone else over to help and guests make comments like "why would they put people back here that don't know anything" and I respond with when you find out let me know I'm wondering the same thing. I'm not into electronics like that it doesn't interest me and I know where everything is on the floor so it seems a bit counter productive to take someone who can help a bunch of guests and throw them where they can't.
This is pretty much what I would tell my ETL SF if I were you lol.
I was halfway into a long effortpost about how to deal with your leadership when I realized I could sum it up in a sentence:

Set some fucking boundaries and deal with the consequences.

okay, two sentences:

Stop expecting your leadership to care about your feelings.

Good point lol. I guess I just assume people will be understanding and nice since I am but I forget everyone isn't lol
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This is pretty much what I would tell my ETL SF if I were you lol.

Sadly I have a few times. That's why I come here and ask what y'all think I should do because I've tried it all besides screaming at them and I can't do that
I'm sorry, but I feel like the whole time you've been on this board you've had nothing but complaints about how much you hate your job, how much Target has screwed you over AS A TEMP, etc. I'm a single mom and they make me miss my kids' bedtime and I have to pay overtime to my babysitters on a weekly basis because of it, but I'm glad to have a job. It may suck, but it pays. And now your "glitterberry" self is complaining about having to work a specific section? Honey, I wish I worked at your store so I could take your shifts and get more than 22.5 hours next week so I could pay the rent FOR MY KIDS, and not some "fun, whatevs" job like you're treating it. Good luck with your bad attitude and "special-little-snowflake" self. Electronics is honest work for ADULTS. Get over yourself. (Mods: ban me if you must, but I'm done with that ish.)

We don't ban people for having strong opinions.
As long as you don't get insulting than you are fine.
The special-little-snowflake comment is obnoxious and cringeworthy (I tend to put it up there with sheeple as term that makes me want to ignore someones post completely) but not over the edge, though to be honest I have used it myself once or twice.
We don't put up with people getting nasty with each other here but you have every right to disagree as long as you can do it like grownups.
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You are to the point that when the schedule comes out, you need to hand it to your ETL and say, "I cannot stay past whatever time, per my availability, please change it." Do this when they are in the TSC and a computer is free. Get them to change every single one for that week. Ask them if they want to change the others from the previous week's as well. Next time the schedule comes out, do the same thing again. They will eventually start sticking to it, or tell you why they won't. But be prepared for your hours to drop...especially if you don't want to learn electronics.
And as someone who has anxiety and tries to avoid conflict as much as possible, there comes a point (and I don't say this to be condescending or rude,) where you have to put on your big girl panties and stand up for yourself. It took me a LONG TIME to learn to do it for myself, but now that I have, it's made my anxiety actually LESS when it comes to things like this. I still don't like doing it, but it's MUCH easier than stressing out over it in the long run. Of course, it's also easier now that my ETL actually LIKES me, but I STILL have to be my own advocate because no one else will.
And as someone who has anxiety and tries to avoid conflict as much as possible, there comes a point (and I don't say this to be condescending or rude,) where you have to put on your big girl panties and stand up for yourself. It took me a LONG TIME to learn to do it for myself, but now that I have, it's made my anxiety actually LESS when it comes to things like this. I still don't like doing it, but it's MUCH easier than stressing out over it in the long run. Of course, it's also easier now that my ETL actually LIKES me, but I STILL have to be my own advocate because no one else will.

Yeah for sure. I'm getting there it was just anxiety plus being seasonal and new at the time that kind of made it one big ball of giant WTF do I do situation. I hate confrontation lol but I'm going to talk to them again for sure.
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