Archived Non-AP tasks?

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AP has their own job, and it's a job that you need to be doing throughout your entire shift. Be it writing case reports, surveillance, merchandise protection, safety walks, PITL, Apple Counts, Mobile Counts, drastic count change reports, My Shortage dashboard, 4x4 audits, parking lot patrols, equipment audits and if you manage to get all of that done you need to be standing at the front/providing presence to show people both that you're paying attention (to deter theft) and give guests a sense of safety.

Stopping for 5 minutes to help an overwhelmed electronics team member? Yeah, that's absolutely fine. Being told by leadership to do non-ap tasks? I don't know a single AP member in my district that would let that fly.
Why are they covering breaks? We don't have logins for the registers, so if someone wants to buy something, they'll have to call another team member over anyway.
If no one else is available, the LOD will cover the break in our store.

Electronics is right by the service desk and blue world registers. They give them the spider wrapped stuff to ring up front
Doesn't matter, its not their job, and can actually hurt a store's AP image. If TPS are pushing CAFs then it will send a signal to thieves/boosters that the store doesn't take AP seriously.
Spot stopped taking AP seriously about a year ago.
I've never seen one of our APTL push CAFs unless it was along with one of the ETLs who put away a couple things then call a TM over to "finish" whats left. They usually walk around checking on us during 4x4 but not really participating like they could. They do walk with the LOD/TL walks and such, but nothing too hands on. A couple have helped cover the front, but they were GSA/GSTL before becoming APTL.

I had to put my foot down over similar issues. Even without having my hours come from outside store, if I put two days into POG, they don't give me two days of a POG tm helping set signing. Which means the 28.5hrs I had is now cut in half. The next week I am behind an entire week of signing hours, the third week a full work week, etc. You can't catch up if you are 2,4,6,8,16 days behind and new work is piling up every time you turn around. I get my stuff done before helping if I can, or I limit my help to a short time (whatever I can get done).
I didn't mean to sound like I'm against helping out the team when I can, far from it, I actually get annoyed with a fellow TPS when he refuses to help out.
What annoys me though is when corporate and or store leads take AP for granted and assign us duties that significantly take time away from our productive AP duties.
AP has their own job, and it's a job that you need to be doing throughout your entire shift. Be it writing case reports, surveillance, merchandise protection, safety walks, PITL, Apple Counts, Mobile Counts, drastic count change reports, My Shortage dashboard, 4x4 audits, parking lot patrols, equipment audits and if you manage to get all of that done you need to be standing at the front/providing presence to show people both that you're paying attention (to deter theft) and give guests a sense of safety.

Stopping for 5 minutes to help an overwhelmed electronics team member? Yeah, that's absolutely fine. Being told by leadership to do non-ap tasks? I don't know a single AP member in my district that would let that fly.

They don't do that in my store .
I didn't mean to sound like I'm against helping out the team when I can, far from it, I actually get annoyed with a fellow TPS when he refuses to help out.
What annoys me though is when corporate and or store leads take AP for granted and assign us duties that significantly take time away from our productive AP duties.
You don't need to backtrack, you're in the right here. If you're helping someone on your own decision, that's great. You're taking initiative and more importantly you can go back to doing your actual job at any time.

They shouldn't tell you to do other work. You can't work a register, you don't wear red and khaki, you're not a standard TM. AP is a unique workstation with unique core roles and tasks
You don't need to backtrack, you're in the right here. If you're helping someone on your own decision, that's great. You're taking initiative and more importantly you can go back to doing your actual job at any time.

They shouldn't tell you to do other work. You can't work a register, you don't wear red and khaki, you're not a standard TM. AP is a unique workstation with unique core roles and tasks

It's only unique until the store closes. At my old store, the SFT (now called PMT) thought his job was unique too. And his hours came from the district payroll. Etc.

Then our store closed. Being unemployed isn't a unique job.
It's only unique until the store closes. At my old store, the SFT (now called PMT) thought his job was unique too. And his hours came from the district payroll. Etc.

Then our store closed. Being unemployed isn't a unique job.
That...seems like a really random angle to take this discussion
To OP, your not the only one. Since I started as TPS I have been doing non-AP/very loosely related tasks everyday, to the point that I'm about to quit. I never wanted another customer focused retail position, and specifically made that clear in my interview, but I feel as if I am just a salefloor TM about 90% of the time. I zone, walk the floor and ask guests if they need help, help push ect ect. The remaining 10% of the time I'm at the doors acting as a greeter or typing up KTRs (I wonder why not PMRs hmmm big mystery here). I know are stores are different, but I get the feeling Target just wants some salefloor TM wearing a security shirt.
I think it's obvious that AP refusing to push CAFs will cause sales to plummet and the store to permanently close.
I think it's obvious that AP refusing to push CAFs will cause sales to plummet and the store to permanently close.

You could say that about any work center. The signing person .... The pricing team .... But up to a third of my day is now devoted to doing things in other work centers. But I'm still expected to get all my work done.
Best practice is that TPS should not be performing any non-AP tasks, which if you follow to the letter can give the image that you're not a team player and actually hurt any current or potential rapport you have with TMs.
It has never, ever crossed my mind that AP should be doing anything other than AP. I don't see them as fellow TMs at all actually.
With all this, we might as well have a union at Target that tells us what we can and can't do. When I worked at GM, that's what we had. A person with a high rate job couldn't do a low rate job, or vice versa, per the union contract. Then everybody's job would be defined. No more problems.
It's only unique until the store closes. At my old store, the SFT (now called PMT) thought his job was unique too. And his hours came from the district payroll. Etc.

Then our store closed. Being unemployed isn't a unique job.
Going back to this, are you saying the pmt should be going non-pmt tasks? Because that seems even more ridiculous than ap
Going back to this, are you saying the pmt should be going non-pmt tasks? Because that seems even more ridiculous than ap

I won't use the "should."

But as the signing tm who gets x amount of hours a week to do signing, should I be doing non signing tasks?
As a PA me and my Sr. TPS do sweeps through dry together for damages, so when a volunteer event comes up they have a lot to donate/I get help with out of dates/damages for when Santa Clause comes.
I won't use the "should."

But as the signing tm who gets x amount of hours a week to do signing, should I be doing non signing tasks?
Depends, what do your core roles say? I can tell you that TPS core roles definitely say nothing about it
AP is usually included in all of our smart huddles; if we have to do a pull blitz, they do too. But it's not an every day thing and it's definitely not for 3 hours. Since the start of BTS, electronics has also been able to share the smart huddle fun as we've had an increasing number of them in seasonal.
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