Archived Not getting scheduled

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May 18, 2018
Hey guys, I was hired at target about a month ago for electronics and wad getting maybe 2 shifts a week because of school. A couple days ago I opened up my availability because I'm about to graduate. Today I find out I'm not scheduled for the next two weeks. Ive been a solid worker. Can someone tell me if I've been fired?
Would be a really unprofessional way to fire you. Its possible you just got overlooked when the schedule was made. I'd talk to HR
Definitely talk to HR. Another thing, take note of other team members' schedules. If you see a few or several people with low hours, namely within your workcenter, it could just be a bad time for payroll.
Jumping onto this thread bc didn’t want to start a new one....

I am convinced my store now plays favorites w holiday scheduling. I have worked every Monday night without fail for months. On the schedule for Labor Day? The day with Holiday Pay? Not scheduled. The same thing happened on Memorial Day and New Years Day (also a Monday this year). Coincidence, maybe. I’m doubtful
Usually if we’re firing someone we still give you a ghost schedule so you don’t suspect anything, but will have double coverage scheduled for after we give you the boot.
This doesn't sound like someone about to be fired, though. I suspect if Anelmi asked about it, TLs would say something along the lines of "we thought you'd appreciate having the holiday off."
Exactly @GoodyNN. I suspect because they know I have a second job, they want to give the Holiday Pay to TMs who only work at Target which I understand but... :/

And I am in no way going to be fired.
Usually if we’re firing someone we still give you a ghost schedule so you don’t suspect anything, but will have double coverage scheduled for after we give you the boot.
Really? Cause they just come and pluck my TMs away, no double coverage.
As was I. He wasn't scheduled for New Years Day (an overtime Monday) or Memorial Day (an overtime Monday). Not being scheduled on Labor Day (an overtime Monday) makes a pattern that cannot be blamed on Workday creating system issues because the pattern began before Target began using Workday.
Hahaha no. I’m one of the most reliable TMs in the whole store....never call out, never late. I might just lightheartedly call attention to it and see what happpens but I bet they play dumb. It is what it is.
Exactly @GoodyNN. I suspect because they know I have a second job, they want to give the Holiday Pay to TMs who only work at Target which I understand but... :/

And I am in no way going to be fired.

Could be they think they're doing you a favor and you would prefer a day "off-off." I don't get many of these, so I don't mind not being scheduled on Labor Day. I've been scheduled roughly every other paid holiday.
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