Archived Not happy with my store/LODs

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“Save money. Live better.”
Sep 1, 2017
I've been at target for about 3 months and I hated it since day 2, and that's really really fast for me. It usually takes about 6 weeks for me to decide if I hate a job or not. With that being said the job is 100% easy, that's not my problem.

My problem is the pettiness of the LODs. I feel like I'm in high school, it's really really disgusting how they treat people here. People don't do their job and many other hard working people and myself have to pick up their slack but we can only finish a task if the lod doesn't pull us from it to give us something not as important. They will complain about our truck not being done but will pull people from it to do other tasks. Or they will leave pallets from the night before and complain the next day and ask why they're still there while we do that days truck.

It's really ridiculous and I don't know what to do. I feel as if I know more than the 5 + year veterans here and I do have manager experience just not within a big box retailer but who else agrees and has had these problems and how did they get resolved.
I've been at target for about 3 months and I hated it since day 2, and that's really really fast for me. It usually takes about 6 weeks for me to decide if I hate a job or not. With that being said the job is 100% easy, that's not my problem.

My problem is the pettiness of the LODs. I feel like I'm in high school, it's really really disgusting how they treat people here. People don't do their job and many other hard working people and myself have to pick up their slack but we can only finish a task if the lod doesn't pull us from it to give us something not as important. They will complain about our truck not being done but will pull people from it to do other tasks. Or they will leave pallets from the night before and complain the next day and ask why they're still there while we do that days truck.

It's really ridiculous and I don't know what to do. I feel as if I know more than the 5 + year veterans here and I do have manager experience just not within a big box retailer but who else agrees and has had these problems and how did they get resolved.
Unfortunately the problems you mentioned are prevalent. They don't get resolved. As you said people slack off, there is no accountability. The LOD's would complain about something,but never get to the bottom of why a task is left unfinished or who is slacking off. This seems to be a culture across the company. I have seen STL's and ETL's panic when there's a visit , either from corporate or the DTL. My response is always ,if you guys did things the right way, you never have to pretend that things are running smoothly, they just would.
The way I deal with these inconsistencies is trying to do my part to best of my abilities. If I am doing a task and I don't finish because a leader pulls me off that, I tell it exactly how it is, "so and so had me do such and such". After that it becomes their problem, not mine.
Good luck.
I definitely agree with you but it's coming to where I have to explain why such things did not get done and they fall in my lap and it's just a cycle of the blame game.

I also feel as if they schedule too many LODs in one day. My store is a small location and there could be 4 LODs. And all their orders conflict and causes too much confusion amongst the TM.

I feel like I'm being babysat. Every job I've had I've had a sense of independence. Here they breath down your neck and hold your hand while you take a piss.
Lots of truth to your post. So glad my store is switching back to the opener and closer instead of having a mid on weekdays.

It's a structural challenge with Target, too many cooks in the kitchen.

It can work with a strong stl but if your stl sucks there is no one really driving the shop.
I've also learned not to take yourself, things too seriously.

It's so hard to fire someone at Target. If I was a salesfloor member I would just do my best and be satisfied. They stress over the visits because that is their raise/promotion on the line.

One thing I miss about my old store is no one was trying to promote so they didn't stress visits. We have an etl who wants to be an stl so every time we get a visit she acts like she gives a s.
Everyday in evrey single target is the same... that is why many tms are leaving this 4th Q ... there are jobs outside and they can stand this time of the year once again..
I definitely don't want to see anyone get fired I respect my team members regardless of their strengths and weaknesses. I do notice that some people do better in certain areas.

I myself am fast at doing the truck and backroom etc but I don't like talking to customers and answering their questions if I really don't have an understanding of the product etc... I still am new but can break down a pallet relatively quickly (unless an lod asks me to go and do another mundane unimportant task)

Others are good as customer services and talking to customers about products and other things target.

We should be tapping into everyone full potential instead of throwing people where they aren't strong. Just how it is. All boils down to metrics

Idk I do see potential for me with this company.

I am at an experimental location so I don't know how other "regular" targets work.
I'm just glad I have great LODs, ETLs, and leaders. I've heard many horror stories, but my store thankfully isn't one of them.
I'm just glad I have great LODs, ETLs, and leaders. I've heard many horror stories, but my store thankfully isn't one of them.

It makes when its hell a lot easier.. My 4th quarter is going just hell.. Payroll in the toilet, morale in the toilet and about to start a remodel. And understaffed so bad they can't get bodies in the door fast enough.. And once they do they run right back out, cause they see how stupid the place is run.
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