Archived Off the Record HR

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What does a guy have to do to get a raise ? Ship from store team member for 3 years. I'm trained in several different work centers. This passed Q4 we "enhanced" SFS, I did the majority of the training (just under 100 new TMs, all starting at the same pay it took 3 years for me to get to btw). Its seems like I get no recognition and they just want more and more but I've got nothing to show for it. They keep holding TL over my head but I don't even want it any more.
I had this issue last year and brought it up to my TL during my review. Told them I thought the review raise was pointless as we'd all be bumped up to the same starting pay as someone just off the street. (Im making $12.50 and get a quarter raise, followed by a 25 cent bump to start at $13. Someone I work with who makes $12.50 gets no raise and a 50 cent bump up to $13. Someone who makes $12.50 gets a 50 cent raise and since they already are making $13 get no bump.) If they kept performance raises separate from the race to $15 for all that'd be great but at least in my store they don't.
Raises outside of the yearly review are rare for a normal TM. I’ve seen a few tls get raises by approaching the dtl and pleading their cases. I think the most I’ve seen was $1.50/2.00.
My co worker called the corporate hotline on our Team Lead for verbal harassment. Now what happens. The lead is a complete bully to some people. It’s mostly name calling. Will I be asked questions?
It depends. Did your co-worker name you as a witness to any of the bullying, or say that you were one of the victims of the bullying? If you are not mentioned as a witness or victim at anytime by anyone you probably won't be asked anything. Also, remember, the Hotline isn't there to protect TMs. It is there to protect the company. So, if the name calling wasn't bad enough to warrant someone filing a lawsuit, at most the TL will be given a CA by store management.
It depends. Did your co-worker name you as a witness to any of the bullying, or say that you were one of the victims of the bullying? If you are not mentioned as a witness or victim at anytime by anyone you probably won't be asked anything. Also, remember, the Hotline isn't there to protect TMs. It is there to protect the company. So, if the name calling wasn't bad enough to warrant someone filing a lawsuit, at most the TL will be given a CA by store management.

They will hunt down who called. If any info is given at all about who it was, you can kiss your time at Target good bye.
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