yeah i posted about it in the other thread. same here.
the backups havent been told if their jobs will change. so hr asked them how they are taking the news and they said i dunno, lol.
yeah that sounds like for .50 more an hour just use backups. we already use the backups every day so it's basically like having 4 lww. just the backups do more actual work and less computer i guess.
then you might have an issue with people not desiring to be backup though, as some could see it as more hassle for not more $. i suspect you always have enough brownnosers that like that sort of thing though, and the real perk is going to be a less physical daily job. and honestly i think it's an issue if they're called backups but expected to be full time.
so, it's only capacity and mbp though? thats kinda unfair seems like. at least to mbp compared to other depts.
yup, things in flux if i was a yellow shirt any yellow shirt, i wouldnt get too comfy in my job! the politics of which lww gets the axe, whether the one standing is an interview position etc are gonna be interesting to say the least. unless they just go by straight seniority.