Archived One thing Target does right is not allowing donation collections at their stores

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Offended? No. Annoyed? Yep. These major 'charities' like SA and Red Cross are shams. They do some good, but they're more harmful in many social aspects. Local charities help far more starving and homeless people. There are much, much more deserving groups of caring people I choose to give my money to.

The entire non-profit system needs an overhaul and some really heavy regulation.

The regulations are one reason a dog rescue I work with has not wanted its 504#(I think that is the right code#) for its non profit, tax deductible status. It allowed them to pretty spend the money they did get anyway they damn well pleased. Which was to help dogs, they need to give me $100 for gas to drive across the state to pick up a dog, they could do it. No paper trail or forms, just "here go get the dog!"

But agreed it needs an overhaul cause if the NFL can be non-profit it just shows this country is screwed..
We always have a group of kids who make fake flyers and sell candy outside our doors. We always kick them off and they come back over and over. They even get the money they managed to make and come in a buy more candy to then re-sell. Our ETL AP allows us to tell them we will call the police now.
We always have a group of kids who make fake flyers and sell candy outside our doors. We always kick them off and they come back over and over. They even get the money they managed to make and come in a buy more candy to then re-sell. Our ETL AP allows us to tell them we will call the police now.

You have to give them credit for their entrepreneurship, future captains of industry at the door.
The ignore button works just as well.

But then you can't see things and laugh

The regulations are one reason a dog rescue I work with has not wanted its 504#(I think that is the right code#) for its non profit, tax deductible status. It allowed them to pretty spend the money they did get anyway they damn well pleased. Which was to help dogs, they need to give me $100 for gas to drive across the state to pick up a dog, they could do it. No paper trail or forms, just "here go get the dog!"

But agreed it needs an overhaul cause if the NFL can be non-profit it just shows this country is screwed..

The NFL being a non-profit was a fuckin' joke buuuuuuuuuuut
I... I unfollow and sometimes unfriend those people lol. I'm having trouble deleting a few sensitive family members, but I did unfollow them.
Lol. Exactly why I refuse to use the ignore button. You know how you have those trainwrecks of people that you follow on Facebook, whose every post makes you do a literal facepalm, but you refuse to unfollow them because it's just too entertaining? Yeah, it's kinda like that.

Yeah, I reserve the ignore button for *very limited* circumstances. They would have to be harassing me in PM or something. Otherwise, it's fun to watch a trainwreck.
The ignore button works just as well.

But then you can't see things and laugh

Lol. Exactly why I refuse to use the ignore button. You know how you have those trainwrecks of people that you follow on Facebook, whose every post makes you do a literal facepalm, but you refuse to unfollow them because it's just too entertaining? Yeah, it's kinda like that.
That's the thing about trolls; they're like potato chips or chocolate - a guilty pleasure.
After a while tho, you realize they're empty & lacking in sustenance so eventually you have to quit indulging 😉
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Personally I'd rather choose to buy Thin Mints then have the boss harangue me to donate to United Way.
Considering that Spot likes to take the credit for the money that goes to United Way.
Target team members donated four million dollars last year.

Besides, I want thin Mints now.
I love how they only pay most employees $9/hour and they have the nerve to put an option to take money out of each paycheck for United Way. I just did a cash donation.
Handouts are un American you should all work for what you want.

The Onondaga part of me is hysterically laughing at this. Handouts are un-American? Great! Give back all the land the natives gave you, and the weapons, crops, and livestock, for that matter. Did you go to public school? Welp, better forget all that knowledge. They gave it to you for free, after all.

Think before you post.
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